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It took you three days to make a new arm. You worked through the nights, sleeping in two, three hour bursts and waking yourself up with coffee and sugary sweets. Tony worked alongside you most of the time. He tried to make you do the whole thing at first, as a form of punishment, but you knew he wouldn't resist working on it.

Especially when you kept purposefully making obvious errors that he just had to fix.

On the morning of the third day, when it was mostly done, but you were running on fumes, and you had finally had enough.

"I'm going to the breakroom." You announced. Tony froze in place. "For coffee." You explained.

"There's coffee here."

"It's shit coffee. I want caramel syrup."

"Watch your language missy."

"I'm going." You reiterated. He breathed as he regarded you.

"Ten minutes." He compromised. You grinned and bounded out of the lab, inhaling the fresh air as you went. You knew you were still in the building, but everywhere outside the lab just seemed to smell different. You all but skipped up to the break room floor, and headed straight to the coffee counter, bouncing on your feet as you waited in line.

Then you caught onto the conversion in front of you. Two women, you had no idea who they were, gossiping excitedly.

"I just hope I can sneak a peek at him. I can't believe he's coming here!"

"It's been ages since last time, remember when we snuck into the training room and saw him all shirtless and sparring with Captain America?! God I could have just died!"

You frowned, listening in to their conversation.

"I mean, I get it, he's wayy out of my league. But I will never pass up a chance to see the God of Thunder in the flesh." One of the ladies continued.

Your eyes widened. Thor? Thor was coming?! Your excitement doubled, and you started fidgeting more as the ladies ordered their coffee. You wanted them to hurry up, so you could get back down to the lab, finish the arm, and either ask Tony for permission to see Thor, or sneak out and see him anyway.

Just as you finished placing your order, moving to the side to wait for it to be ready, you felt a presence behind you. You turned, and grimaced.

"What do you want?" You snapped as your eyes locked with Bucky's.

"I hear you're almost done with my arm." He replied, clearly ignoring the fact that you obviously didn't want to talk to him.

"Yeah. You can get rid of your shoulder condom thing soon." You teased as you turned back to the barista, who was handing over your coffee.

"Thanks." His voice sounded close, and you could feel his breath tickling your ear. "I appreciate it, seeing as you're the one that broke it."

You whipped round to him, wagging a finger at him.

"I did not break it. YOU broke it."

"You left it half done!" He argued back, but you just groaned and stormed off. He followed you, walking alongside you in long strides.

"What idiot doesn't know what a live wire is?" You scoffed. "You could have left it and Tony would have fixed it, but no, the almighty Winter Soldier does everything himself. Well now look what happened."

"Alright, I shouldn't have messed around with it. But you shouldn't have gotten angry and left halfway through."

"Maybe you should stop talking to me, I wouldn't get angry then."

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