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Your eyes snapped open when you heard your name come out of his mouth. You couldn't really process it. You couldn't process the sudden onslaught of feelings. The panic, the shock, the dread. Tied in with the fact that his hands and his lips had not stopped moving over your body, you felt like you were about to explode. Your limbs felt like they were humming with adrenaline.

"It sounds so good being able to say it." Bucky continued, his hand moving down your stomach. "It's a gorgeous name. Suits you." He gently nipped the skin on your neck before placing a soft kiss over the area.

"How did you..." You breathed, not being able to finish the sentence as your body was igniting under his touch.

"That's not important." He muttered, kissing up closer and closer to your ear. "What is important is whether you're finally going to stop being a little brat, and let me help you."

You whirled around at his comment, a flash of anger slicing through you.

"You think I'm being a brat?! How about you leaving me in the gym without fucking finishing what you started?!" You snarled, but he only smiled, wickedly, his eyes flicking down to your lips, then back up to your anger-filled eyes, before reaching up and grabbing the hair at the back of your head.

"That," He explained, an unexpected calmness to his voice as he held your head centimetres from him, his hot breath fanning your lips as he spoke. "Was a punishment. One that you have clearly been thinking about this whole time."


"Don't worry princess. I've been thinking about you too." He growled before smashing his lips to yours.

You instantly whimpered at the contact, at the feel of him kissing you, his mouth hurrying to guide yours open and his tongue licking over yours. You resented the fact that your body melted into him, that your lips responded to him, that your hand reached up to wrap around his forearm.

You loved the fact that your veins flooded with desire.

It was like a primal need took over. The only things you could focus on was the feel of his beard scratching along your chin, his fingers tugging the strands of your hair as he held it in his fist, his other hand slipping under your top and gripping your waist harshly. His hips met yours, pushing you back until you were sandwiched between him and the metal table behind you. He wasn't being gentle, and you didn't want him to be.
Not once you felt the hard bulge digging into you.

You gasped as he bit your bottom lip, the action shooting straight to your core. The want prickled through you, and you felt a familiar sensation slowly taking over your body. The machine on the table by the wall started humming in the background.

"Bucky," You panted, pulling back a little. "Bucky!" You repeated, when he seemingly ignored you and started kissing along your jaw.

"What?!" He snapped, annoyed that you were interrupting him.

"The um...the cameras. We should..." He watched you struggling to form your sentence. "We should go...somewhere..."

He suddenly smiled, relieved at the fact that you weren't going to tell him to stop for once.

"Where?" He asked simply, loosening his hold on you, and allowing you to move away from the table, grab his wrist, and lead him to your room through the back of the lab.

He gladly followed you back to your room, barely taking in his surroundings, and once the door was shut behind him, you whipped round and kissed him again. There was nothing in your room to distract you or get in your way, other than the bed. You liked it that way, as it meant you could focus on just one thing.

All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now