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Bucky stormed back into the cabin, causing everyone inside to snap their heads round to him.

"What did you find Icicle?" Stark said, his humorous smirk dropping from his face when Bucky threw the broken piece of wood displaying half of the Hydra symbol onto the coffee table. The room fell silent.

Tony clenched his jaw.

"What locations do we have?" Bucky said, his voice dangerously low, and outwardly angry. No one responded to him. "What. Locations." He repeated.

"One on the South Coast, another in Berlin, there's a couple in -" Nat started to say before Bucky grabbed one of the files scattered around and marched straight back out the house.

"Bucky you can't just march over there without a plan!" Steve called, following after him. "Bucky!"

Bucky whipped round to him, holding the file up.

"The plan is to fucking find her. We've been here for days," Bucky said. "No closer to working out which of these bases are active, but they would have taken her to one of them. I'm going to find out."

"Then wait for us to organise what-"

"She's gone! They took her Steve. You and Tony can sit and debate the pros and cons of shit, I'm going!"

"You don't think I want to find her as well, Barnes?!" Came Tony's yell, and the pair looked up to see him walking from the house towards them. "You're not the only one that's angry."

"Well I'm the only one moving so-"

"Okay, Buck, okay," Steve said when he saw his friend glare at Stark. "We'll go. We will. But you'll need weapons first." Bucky breathed as he processed Steve's words, then nodded, and headed to the house to grab a bag.

Over the next week, the team moved to a new safehouse, and then hit four prospective Hydra bases. Each one turned up nothing, as though Hydra had hired a skeleton crew just to try and beat their asses, and tease them that they were no closer to finding you. The others started getting wary of Bucky after the third base. Every unsuccessful mission made him angrier.

Every unsuccessful mission made him more concerned about you.

He was getting more and more withdrawn with each day that passed, more sucked into his spiralling thoughts. More temperamental.

He was lashing out at Tony, for his tracking bracelet not working for you, even though he knew Hydra would have disarmed it as soon as they took it. He was lashing out at Steve and Sam everytime the Hydra bases came up empty, but he knew that wasn't their fault. He even (almost) lashed out at Nat when he'd got shot at on one base, when she was meant to be covering him, until he realised that she was taking a hit from another agent at the time.

The fifth base was their last identified base. If this turned up empty, then it would take them at least another week to locate another one, and it scared Bucky. It scared him that the longer you were gone, the less likely it would be that he'd get you back.

So here they were, taking two quinjets to a base on the Canadian border, the air tense and awkward in the one that Bucky was in, just as it had been for the last four missions. The strategy was the same; Tony and Rhodey as aerial support, identifying any heat signatures, possible routes to underground structures, Steve and Sam going in from the North, Nat and Bucky from the East, Wanda and Clint from the South, and Vision and Banner from the West. The rest of the team probably had finer details mapped out, but Bucky's was simple - punch his way through the enemies until he found you.

And that's exactly what he did. He punched and shot his way through three levels of agents with Nat following behind him. Tony's voice had come through the comms two minutes earlier that there was a room four levels under the surface that had two heat signatures, one moving and one not.

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