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Bucky was in the gym a few days later, training with Steve and Sam. Sam was on the skipping rope, and Steve was holding the punch bag that Bucky was hitting.

Bucky was thinking about you. About who you were, your name, and why you were so...angry towards him. Maybe you did hate him? But he didn't remember doing anything particularly bad towards you, now or in the past. He barely knew you. But there was something there, behind the defensive wall you had up, and it was something that really intrigued him. What also intrigued him was the fact that you were apparently not allowed out of the lab.


Bucky blinked back to reality and looked up at Steve, who looked concerned.

"Are you okay? You were barely hitting it properly." Steve commented. Bucky looked back to the bag and stood up, out of his stance.

"Uh, yeah sorry. I was just thinking about stuff." Bucky replied, starting to take the tape off his hands.

"If you were a normal person," Sam teased across the room. "I would say that faraway look only happens for one reason - a girl." He smiled, stopping his jumps and heading over to them both as he chugged some of his water.

Bucky didn't reply.

Sam took the bottle from his lips, regarding his friend.

"Is...were you thinking about a girl?" Sam asked, the grin on his face getting bigger.

"No." Bucky muttered as he turned to shove the tape in his bag and get his own water bottle. Sam and Steve exchanged a look between them.

"It's okay to tell us, Buck. Did you meet someone?" Steve said, in his perfectly smooth, charming voice that Bucky knew he used all the time to get information from people.

Bucky sighed as he turned to face the pair. There was no point hiding it from them - they wouldn't give up until they knew anyway. They'd try and beat it out of him through awkward questions.

"Who is she?" Sam asked, his grin now threatening to eat his entire face.

"She's...she works with Stark." He finally answered, realising he couldn't give them your name seeing as he didn't know. He also still wasn't entirely sure what you did for Stark, other than help fix metal arms.

Sam whistled either way.

"She's Stark's assistant. I think." Bucky continued.

"Stark doesn't have an assistant?" Steve frowned.

"That's what they told me." Bucky shrugged."An assistant, personal ... secretary, or something."

"Why do we not know anything about an assistant?" Sam looked at Steve, who shrugged, his face giving away that he was trying to rack his brain."Wait, they told you?" Bucky nodded.

"Yeah, she works with Stark. I had to fix my arm, went to his lab, she was there, helped...fix it. With Tony. Now I seem to keep...running into her." Bucky rushed to explain, as his friends' eyes narrowed at him.

"So you were with this mystery girl, that no one has seen before, she fixed your arm, and Tony said she was his assistant?" Steve questioned, his voice in distrust of his story.


He could tell his friends didn't believe him. Hell, he wouldn't believe himself if he heard it. Steve had worked with Stark for a long time, and he would have remembered seeing someone working with him at some point. Bucky could tell that that's what Steve was trying to work out now.

He knew there was a weird...thing between Stark and you, with you being around people, about you going out and being safe. He kept you a secret all this time, and that must have been for a reason. But Bucky thought that Steve and Sam wouldn't do anything to threaten that, and it's not like Bucky knew your name to give them, so your identity was still technically a mystery.

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