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Bucky knew you wouldn't speak to him straight away. He knew you would be internally fighting your thoughts, trying to figure out what the hell to do next. He didn't mind. He'd been patient so far, he could wait a little longer.

He knew that you didn't regret having sex with him. The next day when he accompanied you through the limited areas of the compound, he could see it on your face that you didn't regret it. He saw the way your eyes glossed over when he looked you up and down after you opened the lab door. Bucky saw how your hand lingered on his chest when you stumbled in the hallway and he caught you. He heard how your heart sped up, but resisted the urge to smirk until he'd let go of you and started walking again. He saw you interact minimally with Nick, keeping him at much more of a distance than you had before.

So, he was being patient. One of these days, you'd either shout at him again, or kiss him. Either way, you'd both crossed the line that he'd been wanting to cross since he first met you.

Nick ended up leaving two days after that night, much to Bucky's delight, after he learnt of Tony's next tactic and realised that he wouldn't be much help. At the next evening meeting, the team were sitting around the table, and you and Bucky were standing by the wall. Not talking to each other, not even standing particularly close. But you were very, very aware of his presence.

You still hadn't worked out your situation with Bucky, but you knew there were two ways it could go. You didn't know which outcome you wanted anymore.

You kept remembering what he said when you were both on the bed. 'Keep your secrets. Keep hating me, I don't give a shit.'

As the days had gone on, you felt more and more guilty as the sentence replayed in your mind. After what Nat said, you'd been thinking about what he must have gone through, because you knew Hydra, and you knew what they were capable of. He wasn't a mind-numbed idiot that fell under their propaganda of a better tomorrow. He wasn't a willing participant. He wasn't in control. He was a lab rat to them, just like they wanted you to be.

He still irked you as a person, because he was arrogant, closed off, stubborn, and commanding. But you didn't think you hated him as much anymore. Although you were starting to hate the fact that every time you looked at him, he was looking at you. Watching you. Like he was waiting for you to do something, but you really had no idea what to do next.

Other than kiss him.

Tony had been rambling on for a while before you realised you hadn't taken in a word of what he'd said. You hoped Bucky had, considering he was responsible for you now. You didn't like the lack of autonomy.

You refocused on the room when the team started getting out of their chairs and leaving the room. Tony walked up to you and Bucky.

"You all ready?" He asked you.

"I...yes?" You answered, hoping that was the right answer. Ready in terms of everything? Or ready to do whatever he was rambling about?

"Good, as soon as you give the word, we'll get it all in motion."

Tony walked away before you could ask what he was talking about. Were you going somewhere? Was something else happening? You looked to Bucky who just nodded to the door, then started walking. Well, Bucky clearly knew what was going on, so you just followed, letting him lead you to your room.

Once you were inside, the whole journey having been silent, you stood aimlessly by your bed while Bucky stood in the doorway. He had his arms folded over his chest, his shoulders practically touching each side of the doorframe, and he watched you. You played with your tongue.

"What's wrong?" He asked after a minute or so. God, that was the question wasn't it?

"Uh..." You started, before looking around. "What am I supposed to be doing?"

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