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Two days later, you and Tony had installed new security measures on the 'Team Floors' - the training rooms, the pool, conference rooms, the lab, the MedBay, the bedrooms, kitchen and common rooms. You were all confined to the same three floors, not allowed to access anywhere else until the mission was over. All of you had to wear these thin silver bracelets that held a nanotracker inside, reporting each move they made to an offline computer in the lab that Tony monitored. You felt a little bad that they were being imprisoned because of you, but then you remembered that meeting them, meeting Bucky, was the most likely reason for Hydra finding you. So really, they deserved it.

Tony had installed the same security measures on the other floors himself, seeing as you weren't allowed out, and before you knew it, your days were filled with the sound of irregular beeps and hums of handprint scanners and moving cameras, as the team went about their days. With the new security in place, you were allowed outside of the lab, across the three team floors, but Bucky was still literally glued to you.

Before Hydra ambushed the building, you might have enjoyed it. You might have used it to your advantage. But your little game with him had been long forgotten. You hadn't said a word to him since the basement, and you didn't plan on saying anything to him anytime soon.

Nat dragged you to the gym a few days later, as in dragged you. Bucky was following the two of you at a reasonable distance (for him), and you just huffed your way through the halls as the assassin kept a death grip on your wrist.

When you got to the gym, you purposefully averted your gaze from the boxing ring. And the punching bag. You were grateful when Nat took you over to the floor mats, by the mirrors, gesturing for you to step on them first. She stood opposite you, Bucky leaning against the side of the boxing ring, watching you intently. You saw his eyes flicker to it, then back to you, and you weren't sure if you saw his eyes darken.

It might have just been the lighting.

You rolled your shoulders, putting your attention back on Nat, and began the mind-numbing and completely useless training session.

She started you off with punches. Righting your stances. Showing you the better jab methods. She moved onto legs, kicks, sweeps, agility. Then defence, blocks, reading your opponent, quick moves to get you out of the way.

Your brain started getting into it, the methodical instructions from her helpfully pushing out all your anger, confusion, frustration. Your body was moving robotically to her words, punching when she said punch, kicking when she said kick, bending when she said duck.

You were doing pretty well keeping up with her, but you also felt like she was holding back a lot. She was a super assassin after all, and fighting close combat was her strong suit.

You were taking a breathing break when you heard a voice behind you.

"Hey you're doing pretty good!" You turned to see Sam walking up to you both. "Maybe we should move you onto some take downs next?" He added with a smile. You almost wanted to smile back.

But before you can respond, Bucky appeared in front of him, his hand on Sam's chest, pushing him back, stopping him from approaching you.

You couldn't hear what they were saying to each other next, you could only see Bucky's back, his shoulders tensed and rigid. Then Sam was walking away. Bucky walked back to the side of the boxing ring, resuming his stance, and resuming his watch over you.

"He's acting like I'll disappear into thin air if he takes his eyes off me." You scoffed as you turned back to Nat.

"He's protective." She replied, a softness to her voice that you didn't really care for.

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