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After Bucky left, you were frozen to the spot. Watching the open door like he was about to come back. Half wishing that he would.

You'd brought Nick back to relieve some of this stress. It had been exhausting. Your hands weren't nearly as good. Everytime you (unwillingly) thought about Bucky and you in the gym, your brain screamed at you to text him, to get him to come down, to kiss you senseless. To fuck you senseless. Your pride and principles stopped you everytime. You didn't like Bucky. Not what he'd done, not who he'd worked for, and not the fact that he was so insistent on pushing your buttons every time you spoke. You didn't like him as a person. You just liked how amped up he made you. You just liked how commanding he was when you riled him up. You liked how he grabbed you.

You stomped back to your room, Nick waiting on your bed, grabbed his face and kissed him, trying to expel all of your frustrations into his mouth.

A few days passed, and neither you nor Bucky tried to contact the other. Nick had gone back to his base. The team were busy planning the recon mission in Peru, with Tony splitting his time overseeing the strategy meetings, and overseeing your work. You had been working tirelessly on checking every suit, every weapon, the comms links. Nick's information was helpful, but it was now a week out of date. They didn't know if there would be more agents at the base than they were expecting; they had to be ready.

Around midnight one night, the beeper in your room sounded. You looked up at it.


You could either ignore it, or answer it. He must have known you were there alone, considering the fact he had come in the dead of night. Or maybe he was just hoping you were there alone.

You weren't sure if you could face him after the other day. You had this unnatural feeling, this kind of pull, to everything even closely related to him. Whether it was Tony mentioning Bucky in passing, working on his weapons, his words replaying over and over in your head non-stop - every single time he came up, you felt a rush of desire. A rush of wanting him. Then waves of guilt that it was someone like him that you wanted.

You ignored it.

A few seconds pass and then the beeper sounded again. You put your tools down. You slowly headed over to the lab door, stopping a few metres in front of it as the beeping stopped. You waited, seeing if he would do it again.

He knocked again. This time, his voice also came through the door.

"Princess, I know you're in there." You heard him say. His tone didn't give anything away. He didn't sound desperate, he didn't sound angry, he just sounded...bored.

You breathed in, and then opened the door.

There was a moment of silence as you both stared at each other. He looked good. Wearing a dark blue Henley and sweatpants, his hands in his pockets and somehow making his chest seem...broader.

"I thought you had a little beeper to tell you it was me." He said with a little raise of his eyebrows.

"I do."

"Then why did it take you so long to answer?"

"I didn't want to." You replied with a blunt edge to your words. His expression didn't falter. Instead, he just smiled.

"I wanted to come and check on my weapons, if you're okay with that?" He asked, nodding his head behind you.

That seemed innocent enough. Painless, and quick. Even if he had waited til midnight to do it.

You just turned and headed over to the bench holding his and Nat's weapons, considering they were all pretty similar. You stood to the side and gestured your hand over them before folding your arms across your chest. You were silently trying to express your annoyance at him being here, but Bucky either didn't notice, or he didn't care.

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