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Bucky's head fell back, off your neck, and he groaned loudly. Your eyes snapped over to the door.

"Don't answer that." You growled, guiding his face back to yours and kissing him again. He almost forgot about the person at the door, grinding back into you, when they knocked again.

"Bucky?" Came Steve's voice from the other side. Bucky reluctantly pulled his mouth off yours.

"Yeah, one second." He spat before letting you down and noticing you glowering at him. "We'll carry this on later." He promised in a strained voice before he walked over to the door, doing his trousers up uncomfortably as he went. He swung the door open, and Steve jumped at the sudden movement, then looked between you and Bucky, and cleared his throat.

"Tony needs to speak to Luka." Steve said simply.

You nodded, and marched out of the room, the two supersoldiers following behind. You automatically headed back to the lab, and Steve didn't correct you.

"What do you want?" You said with a fake smile as you walked into the lab. Tony swung round on his wheelie stool to face you, watching Steve and Bucky follow you in.

"Kid," He started. "I just want you to know that-"

"Tony, we can do the heartfelt discussion over Nick's betrayal later. I'm still mad about it. What are we doing now?"

Tony inhaled deeply before responding to you, his hands on his knees.

"Senator Ross took him to the Raft." Tony said, and you nodded. "Now, I have two more things that I realised we need to discuss." Typical Tony, turning into Avenger mode whenever something traumatic happened. He held a finger up and pointed between you and Bucky. "First, we will need to schedule in a serious talk about this."

You felt your face go hot, and you're quite sure that Bucky's did the same.

"Second," Tony added, dropping his hand, reaching behind him and grabbing his tablet. He stood and walked over to you. "We'll have to make sure that Hydra's intel on you ends with Nick." He swiped and tapped on his tablet before handing it to you. "Which means a few more missions."

"Right, and what's this?" You asked as you looked over the schematics for a-

"That is your first suit design."

" first what?"

"Suit. As in, an Avengers suit. Because I'm making you an Avenger now." Tony said bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Then he tapped the side of his hand on each of your shoulders, as if he was knighting you. "There. I think you proved yourself quite...adequately lately. Now you can come on the missions with us."

You stood there dumbfounded, until Steve suddenly clapped his hand on your shoulder from behind. You turned to him.

"Welcome to the team Kid." Steve smiled at you.

You didn't say anything. You couldn't think of anything to say.

"Well you could at least say thanks." Tony chuckled. You looked up at him.

"Tony, I...don't think this is a good idea." You replied cautiously, hating the way the excitement drained from your face.

"You get to come with us, no more staying in your room, no more-"

"Tony, a few months ago you didn't want me to get a coffee. Now you want me gallivanting around fighting people?"

"Look, you'd be a good asset, I just think-"

"I know what you think Tony, but this is not what you should be suggesting after-"

"He betrayed me!" Tony suddenly yelled, silencing the entire room. "I trusted him, and he betrayed me!"

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