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Bucky was silent. Stunned. You were standing right in front of him.

"My instructions were very clear, I did say -" Tony was interrupted by Bucky suddenly rushing up to you, his hands going to your face, his eyes looking over you, desperately trying to pinpoint any type of wound, mark, or cut.

"I'm fine." You muttered, trying to pull his hands away. "Bucky I'm FINE!"

He dropped his hands, frowning at you.

"Fine?" He said, his voice cracking slightly. "Fine?! What I saw was not fine!"

"Well I'm fine now!" You yelled back, making his mouth snap shut.

"I thought you were dead."

"I'm clearly not."

"You couldn't even tell me you were alive?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I fucking care!" Bucky shouted.

You filed away your shock at his statement quickly enough to quip back. "Well, protecting your feelings isn't exactly high on my priority list right now." You turned to Tony. "I still don't understand why he's here?"

"He deserves to know." Was all Tony said. But his eyes were flitting between you and Bucky, like he was trying to work something out.

"So being deep undercover from Hydra doesn't include the one person that we know used to work for them?" You scoffed, folding your arms across your chest. "Makes total sense."

"I didn't say anything." Bucky spat, but you ignored him.

"I told you earlier he didn't need to be here." You walked over to the corner of the room, where there was a blue sofa, and sat down, crossing one leg over the other, your arms still across your chest. Tony looked at Bucky and gestured to the armchair next to you. Bucky slowly walked over to it. Then Tony sat on the opposite armchair.

The three of you were sitting in a triangle, neither you or Bucky looking anyone in the eyes, and Tony trying to catch the gaze of both of you.

"He's staying as your bodyguard." Tony finally said, breaking the silence.

"Is he fuck?!" You blurted out.

"It's not a negotiation." He responded, and you tried to stare him down, but he wouldn't budge. "He didn't leak anything."

"How do you know?"

"Because I wouldn't do that." Bucky said, playing with his fingers. "And I wouldn't even know who to leak it to anymore."

You scoffed, flicking your hair out of your face.

"If it's not him, then it's someone else in your little Team, Tony. No one else knows I'm here. No one else asked to stay behind while you went to Peru. No one else knows my real name." Tony snapped his eyes to Bucky. He'd tackle that situation later.

"Actually," Tony slapped his knees before standing up, walking around the back of the armchair and leaning his hands on it. "I seem to remember you attending a party not too long ago, talking to anyone you fancied, isn't that right?"

You shrank down in your seat.

"You also kept going to the canteen for coffees, out of the compound to see Thor, out on a date-"

"How did you-"

"Please don't think I'm that stupid." Tony sighed, shaking his head at you. "I told you, staying in the lab kept you safe. You pushed that rule. Now, you're not safe. So Barnes is staying as your bodyguard. Permanently."

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