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You kissed him, breaking it only to gasp when he grabbed your hips and pulled you down, his cock sliding into you. He didn't wait to start fucking you, his hips thrusting up to yours as you grinded on him. His hand moved back to your neck, his fingers wrapping around the side and pulling you close as he kissed you.

You slid your hands over his shoulders, using it as leverage to move faster. He pulled back, looking up at you, and moved his thumb to press against your bottom lip as he fucked you.

" One orgasm. Like this." He growled as he watched your eyes gloss over. "Then I get to fuck you how I want." He pushed his thumb into your mouth, and you bit down on it, gently enough not to hurt him, then swirled your tongue around it before he pulled it out. Then, he was pressing that same thumb against your clit, and you shuddered. He was quick to make circles over it, spiking your pulse, your hips moving faster.

He sped you to release, and you could barely even register it snowballing through you, as seconds after you cried his name, he lifted you up by your hips and threw you face first onto the bed.

He climbed over you, his chest pressing against your back, a hand next to your head, his knees either side of your thighs, and he slid his cock straight into you. Your hands fisted the sheets, moaning loudly as he filled you back up, your hips lifting off the bed in pleasure. His lips caressed your shoulder, your neck, and you turned your head to face him, seeing him smiling at you.

"Now, it's my turn." He said, before kissing you hard and fucking into you, his hips slapping against your ass. He moved back, resting his head on your shoulder blade, focusing on grinding his hips into you, pounding into you, listening to your noises, your sounds, and reacting to each one. He moved his metal hand to your hair, pulling on it enough to make your head lift up.

"Fuck.." You moaned as he fucked you harder, deeper into the bed. You wrapped a hand around the wrist of his arm that was leaning on the bed, your fingernails digging crescent shapes into his skin as you melted into putty underneath him.

His mouth moved to your ear, and you could feel the stubble on your skin.

"Touch yourself princess." He grunted, and your eyes rolled back. You clenched around him, and he chuckled before slamming back into you. He let go of your hair, leaning his left elbow on the bed so that he could move his other hand, guiding your fingers off his wrist, and pushing your hand between your body and the sheets. "I'm almost there, so if you want another one, you best get going." He whispered.

You hummed and started inching your fingers towards your clit, finding purchase on the sensitive bundle of nerves that barely needed touching to make your body light up.

His free hand skimmed over your body, your hips, before pausing at your ass and grabbing a fistful of flesh as he pushed into you. His breaths, his moans, were loud as he buried his face in your neck, feeling the sweat on both of you heightening the heat between your skin as he moved over you.

You felt your muscles tighten. You felt him speed up. You felt your fingers erupt in tingles.

You could hear your moans quicken, morphing more into whimpers as his punishing pace overpowered your body along with your own fingers. You finally felt his cock pulse inside you, your walls automatically clenching around him, a sinful groan falling from his lips as he suddenly slammed into you harshly. You swore loudly, arching into his body more as he fucked through his, and your, climax, the pleasure spiralling through your veins like you were a junkie, and he was your heroin.

He slowly slid his cock in and out of you, dragging the last remnants of bliss from you, before pushing his hips to yours one final time. He ended the movement with a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade, another to the top of your shoulder, your neck, up to below your earlobe. You hummed, moving your head to the side, closer to him, allowing his lips to make their way to the corner of your mouth, before he finally kissed you. Heady, dizzying, overwhelming.

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