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A couple days later, Bucky decided to test his theory on whether you were attracted to him, and whether you were an actual Brat, or just being bratty.

He waited until it was after 10pm, then texted you that he was taking you to the gym. The gym would be empty by then, and as he knew you hated structured exercise, it was the perfect set up. As he expected, you refused, but he turned up at the lab anyway.

"What part of 'no' don't you understand?" You snapped at him as he stood on the other side of the door to the lab. "I'm not going."

"Yes you are. Because you need to exert some energy on something other than me."

"I waste very little energy on you actually, it just comes out naturally."

"Well then you need to exert your other pent up energy from the last 4 years, don't you?" He teased, making your face fall. "Unless you also direct that to me?" He smiled, his eyes looking like they know something you don't.

"As if." You said, taking the gloves he was holding out for you and following him to the gym, incredibly unwillingly. He was right, you did need to get rid of this energy somehow, especially because he seemed to be the one that riled you up, but you weren't going to tell him he was right. Not now, not ever.

Bucky watched you exit the lab and stalk down the hall. He stared at your retreating figure for a second, then followed you.

Once you got to the gym, you'd strapped the gloves on and stopped in the doorway, looking around.

"It's empty." You stated.

"Well done." He laughed. "Thought you wouldn't want loads of people around, you know, cos you're not meant to be seen by anyone." He explained as he led you over to the boxing ring.

"You think I'm getting in that?" You said, your eyebrows raised so high they were almost in your hairline.

"Yeah, I do." He grinned, grabbing the ropes. "Because it means you get a chance to punch me."

You watched him pull himself up into the ring, and hold the ropes apart for you, his hand out to pull you up as well. You know, he wasn't exactly wrong. You did have a very frequent urge to punch him. Maybe it would help with your...current inner turmoil.

You took his hand, and let him pull you up. You took your hand away as quickly as possible, and stood opposite him in the square.

"Now, how many times have you punched someone?" He asked as he started bouncing on his feet.

"Intentionally or...?"

He stopped bouncing and stared at you.

"Are...are those answers different?" He questioned suspiciously. You nodded. "In total I guess."

"Umm...a few times. Not a pro. Not a rookie." You shrugged as he continued his feet bouncing. "When do I get to punch you?"

"Soon. Gotta warm up." He laughed, quickly grabbing the punch pads off the side and holding them up. "Right, get punching."

"This is a poor substitute for your face." You muttered as you held your fists up.

"Yeah yeah, we'll get to my face. Hit the pads first."

You spent the next 15 minutes hitting the pads. It was boring. You didn't say anything though. Hitting the pads meant you could then try and hit Bucky, which you were very excited for. After you'd punch the pads an adequate number of times for his liking, he finally threw them to the side and held his fists up.

"Right, let's go then." He said, a smirk hidden behind his fists. You glared at him.

And swang.

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