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Once they arrived back at the compound, and spent a few days decompressing, Tony had agreed that you all needed a night off. Or at least a few hours off. So of course, he decided on a party. Well, as much of a party you could have with just the team on locked down floors. Either way, it was the first party you didn't have to sneak into, so you were excited.

You got ready in your room, with Tony popping in every five minutes to check you were still there, that you hadn't been kidnapped again. You acted like it bothered you. But it didn't, not anymore.

Sitting in those restraints for almost a week was horrible. You'd had a few nightmares about it since, but hadn't told anyone. The feeling of being so helpless, so vulnerable, so stuck, it angered you. That feeling always angered you. It's what made you so sarcastic, so petty all the time. It made you lash out at Bucky when you first met. It made you push people away because you couldn't be vulnerable when it was just you. But when you were stuck in those cuffs, stuck in that room, you didn't want to push anyone away. You were hoping they would come and get you. Exactly like Bucky did.

Bucky hadn't addressed your little truth spiel from the other day. You weren't sure if you wanted him to. You quite liked the whole 'not really talking but fucking each other senseless' routine you had at the moment. You really liked it.

Tony finally came in when the others were heading to the lounge to escort you, hovering in the doorway until you finished playing with your hair. Which you did for way longer than necessary, just to see how long it would take him to get annoyed. It was a mere 5 minutes.

You walked into the lounge with Tony, seeing Clint, Sam and Wanda on the chairs, drinks in hand, Steve and Bucky by the windows, talking, and Vision, Bruce and Nat by the bar. You immediately left Tony and headed to the bar, slipping in between Bruce and Nat and reaching over to grab a bottle of gin.

Being in lockdown, the bar was self-serve tonight. Which might end up being a terrible idea.

"She knows what she wants." Nat smiled at you as you filled up a glass, then grabbed a bottle of lemonade.

"If you say so." You huffed, pouring out the lemonade and immediately gulping down half of your drink, unwillingly catching Bucky's eye from across the room. You filled it back up with more gin and lemonade.

"Thought you were all sorted with that?" You heard Nat whisper in your ear, and you glanced at her.

"Dunno what you mean."

"Alright." She said, her expression changing to boredom, and grabbing your elbow and pulling you away from Bruce and Vision. She jerked her head to the door as you passed Wanda, who instantly seemed to understand that she was supposed to follow you both. Nat cornered you by the door, not actually leaving the lounge, and you looked between her and Wanda expectedly.

"Are one of you going to say something?" You asked after a few seconds of silence.

"You like Barnes. Why are you being weird about it?" Nat queried with narrowed eyes.

"I never said-"

"He likes you too." Wanda added.

"It's not like that, we've just been-"

"Banging like bunnies?" Nat suggested, and you frowned at her.

"What...that's such a weird phrase that I never thought would come out of your mouth." You shook your head before continuing. "Look, since I told you all the truth, he hasn't spoken to me."

"And you haven't spoken to him." Wanda countered. You held a finger up as if you were going to debate the point, but realised she was right.

"True. But now it's been too long."

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