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Bucky marched down the corridor, the anger radiating off of him more and more with each step, his chest heaving as he tried to calm himself down.

He couldn't stop seeing your face. Horrified that he had gone to punch Nick. Staring at him, like you didn't even recognise him.

He yelled into the air, stopping to punch the wall with his metal hand before spinning round and sliding down it, putting his head in his hands. He didn't have to worry about the wall - Stark had reinforced them while he was going through therapy, just in case. All he was thinking about was you.

He heard soft footsteps coming from his right hand side as he closed his eyes. He knew it was Steve before he sat down beside him.

"I don't like him." Bucky muttered, making his best friend laugh.

"Yeah, I think we all got that."

Bucky dropped his hands, and let his head fall back to the wall with a thud. He slowly opened his eyes.

"I don't trust him." Bucky added.

"Stark said-"

"I don't give a shit what Stark says, I don't trust him."

Steve sighed, and Bucky could tell he was thinking about his next words carefully.

"You did keep her safe." Steve finally said. Bucky exhaled. "They didn't take her."

"That wasn't really because of me."

Steve was confused by that, but decided to let it slide. He had something else he wanted to say.

"You like her." Steve said, although it was more of a question. Bucky closed his eyes again. Steve nodded, then clapped a hand on his friend's knee. "Better get back in her good books then."

"How? She hates me."

"The old Barnes charm, obviously. The one that kept me single for most of the 1930s." Steve's words made Bucky laugh. He rubbed his eyes before opening them again.

Bucky looked at Steve, seeing him smiling, and smiled back. He wasn't sure if Steve trusted Nick, or had the same reservations that he had, but he could always count on his best friend to have his back.

With that, Steve stood up, holding his hand out for Bucky, which he accepted.

"They headed back to the lab." Steve said, and Bucky nodded, before turning around, and heading straight there.

He strode up the door, not even going to knock, just reaching his hand out for the handle, when he paused.

He heard loud laughter on the other side of the door. Your laughter. Then hislaughter. It felt like a knife was slicing through his chest. He took a deep breath, glaring at the door, and pushed it open.

He looked up to see you and Nick standing in front of each other, Nick reaching up to brush some of your hair out of your face. Bucky swallowed as you both froze and turned to face him.

"What do you want?" Nick snarled, his hand dropping from you.

"Stark assigned me to her. I'm here to do my job." Bucky said, trying to sound as calm as possible as he stared him down.

"Oh for god sake." You scoffed. "I'm not doing this again. You can punch each other or fucking leave, I'm going to bed." You said, spinning on your heel and marching off to your room. The door slammed behind you, and Nick and Bucky kept glaring at each other.

"Last I checked, I was her bodyguard, not you." Bucky spat, crossing his arms over his chest. Nick glared at him, and mimicked his movements.

"Are you upset that she wants me around?" He replied with a smirk. Bucky breathed in.

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