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"NO!" You yelled as Tony's car flipped over itself and skidded across the road. Bucky swerved, trying to brake as quickly as he could without flipping your own car over, your words swallowed by the sound of the explosion crashing through the air as the scene before you glowed red.

You pulled on the door.

"LET ME OUT!" You shouted when you realised it was locked. You heard the screeching of tires behind and in front of you. Your car finally jolted to a stop, and Bucky twisted, reaching his arm to the back seats, and pulling a gun out.

"Stay." He ordered, before unclipping his seatbelt and leaving the car. You launched forward to go through his door as well, but he slammed it shut just as your seatbelt snapped you back. You grunted, rushing to undo it, then climbed over to his door, but he'd already locked it. You whipped your head round, watching the rest of the team running around your car towards Tony's.

You hadn't seen him come out yet.

His car was upside down, the bottom being slowly swarmed by flickering flames. Bucky was in front of the hood of the car you were in, his gun drawn as he looked around the darkness.

Suddenly, your car jolted, as if someone was rocking it. The radio crackled on and off. You frantically looked through all the windows, but couldn't see anyone in your panic.

You looked back to the front when you started hearing gunshots.

You saw the team starting to fight, numerous black clothed agents swarming from the trees, the red symbol on their jackets undeniable. Again, you tried your own door, then the driver door, even climbing into the back and trying those. Everything was locked.

Where the hell was Tony?

You watched Nat get thrown to the ground. You watched Sam dodge bullets as he whizzed through the air. You watched Steve take a punch to the face.

This was your fault. This was your fight.

You swore loudly, pulling the door handle again and again, then yelled at the inanimate object in frustration as you pulled as hard as you could.

The entire car let out a series of loud, mechanical clicks, then all the internal lights went out, and you fell forwards as the door finally gave way, the noises of battle suddenly louder as the fresh air hit your face.

"GET BACK IN THE CAR!" Bucky yelled at you, but you ignored him, jumping down from the car and throwing the door shut so hard it bent a little from the impact. Your anger was coursing through you, and you stormed past him.

He grabbed your arm, cursing when the heat of your skin burned his hand, then switched to his metal hand to grab you again and whirl you round towards him.

"Get back in the fucking car!" He yelled again, before spinning you round and squashing you between the side of the car and his body, holding his left arm up to protect you from a spray of bullets heading your way.

"I said get..." His words trailed off as he looked at you, seeing that your eyes were now glowing white, the brown, rainbow irises he'd become so attached to long gone. Your teeth were clenched, your breathing was erratic. It made him step back.

Then he noticed your arms had white lines trailing down them as well, like it was in your veins, moving through your body.

'Bucky' came Steve's voice in his earpiece. 'What the hell are you doing, grab her and go!'

Bucky couldn't respond. He was staring at you, and he couldn't look away. He did nothing as you stormed past him once again, heading towards Tony's car, your veins glowing whiter and whiter by the second. You could barely hear the team whisper in shock as you passed them, the sizzle of your skin, of your powers too loud for you to register anything else. You vaguely noticed some shouts of 'She's here!', but you didn't care. You didn't care about anything other than getting Tony.

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