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He responded by grabbing you by the throat and pushing you against the door.

"I meant it." He snarled, while you panted under his grasp, your feet barely touching the floor.

"I..Bucky" You almost whined. His grip loosened until you could stand, but his hand didn't leave your throat. You didn't think you wanted it to. It set your body on fire. You wrapped your hand around his forearm as he moved closer.

"I. Meant. It." He repeated. "No more."

"Please." You whispered, licking your lips as you watched his eyes follow the movement. "I take it back."

"That defeats the point of the safeword. It means stop, and you said it." He replied, but you noticed his voice lacked the sharp edge it had a minute ago.

"I take it back." You said again, hoping he wasn't as strong as he was trying to be. You slid your hand over his chest, down his stomach, watching his muscles flinch and tense at your touch. He stepped closer to you, until he was pressed against you, stopping the movement of your hand. Looking back up at him, you saw that he was watching you so intently that you couldn't tear your eyes away.


"What do you mean why? Just-" You scrambled to reach his lips again, but his hand gripped your throat tight enough to stop you. Your core ached at the sensation.

"Do you not want this to stop?" He asked, softly, moving his head so that his mouth was millimetres from yours, teasing you while he waited for your response.

"Clearly not."


You groaned, your eyes rolling back from frustration until you squeezed them shut.

"Jesus fuck James can you just-"

Then he kissed you. And you groaned for a different reason.

It was a harsh kiss, pressing your head back against the door, his teeth catching your bottom lip before his tongue licked over it. You grabbed his face, holding him there as your mouths battled against each other, fighting for different reasons, but both just wanting more.

Bucky's hands moved, grabbing your thighs and pulling you into the air, ignoring your gasps. He pushed with his hips, against yours, anchoring your ass into the door, and you wrapped your legs around him as the kiss deepened into nothing short of filthy. There was a vague awareness of your thighs squeezing around his hips and his ass as your mouths moved against each other, one of your hands going up into his hair, your other hand sliding down his chest to his ribs and round his waist. He felt a moan vibrate from somewhere in your throat, and he was suddenly desperate to make that sound come out again.

"Bed." He ordered, his voice low, and not a request. He went back to kissing you as he turned around and walked to the bed, before throwing you down onto it. You looked up, swallowing as you saw the intensity on his face. Wild, hungry. Like a man possessed. You weren't left with your thoughts for too long as he climbed over you and kissed you into the bed. You once again wrapped your legs around him, desperate to have him closer to you, and wrapped your hands around his neck.

He grabbed your hands, and slammed them back onto the bed above your head.


"You messed me around. You don't set the rules anymore." He explained with a wicked smile, watching your face fall before he started attacking your neck. The only thing you could do was arch into him as he made your body feel electric from his touch.

His stubble on your skin, the trailing lips, his tongue, his teeth...

You lay under him, not being able to do anything but take it, as his actions were spurring on your desire and making it lick its way up your spine. Every time you moaned, his hands would grip yours tighter and he would kiss your neck harder.

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