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This was ridiculous. You weren't in the MedBay, and neither was Tony. The lab was locked, and despite pounding on the door for thirty minutes, no one answered. All Friday was replying was 'I am not at liberty to divulge the whereabouts of Miss Luka or Mr Stark', which was utter bullcrap. So Bucky had now resigned himself to sitting silently in the kitchen, staring at the door, and waiting.

Everyone else on the team had come and gone, discussing what happened, trying to ask Bucky what he saw, why the agents all suddenly dropped dead when the lights went out, where Stark was. Bucky didn't respond to any of it.

He was trying to figure it out himself, until either you or Tony appeared in that doorway to give him answers.

He jolted awake when he heard the rustling of fabric in his left ear. Apparently he had fallen asleep on the table. He ran his hands over his face then looked at the source of the noise.

"Stark." He growled, then shoved his chair away and stood up, jabbing his finger into the smaller man's chest. "Where the hell is she?"

Tony breathed, then pushed Bucky's finger off of him, which Bucky didn't resist. "She's safe."

"That's not good enough."

"It'll have to be for now." Stark replied confidently. The two men studied each other. "Sit down." Tony finally gestured to the chair, then put a bottle of whiskey down that Bucky hadn't even noticed he was holding.

Bucky obliged, but kept his gaze on Tony, who was also apparently holding two glasses, which he placed next to the bottle. He unscrewed the lid, then poured some of the liquid out into both glasses, passing one to Bucky. Bucky took it, but didn't drink it.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Tony asked, drinking most of the liquid in one gulp, before looking back at Bucky.

"Why don't you tell me, and I'll tell you if it matches my theory?" Bucky eyed Tony, still not having a sip of his drink. He was angry, and he wasn't about to let Stark have the upper hand just yet.

Tony laughed. "You've been sitting here for fourteen hours, not talking to anyone, and you want to act like you're not desperate to discuss what happened?"

"She has powers." Bucky finally whispered. Tony nodded, refilling his glass. "What kind?"

"We don't know." Tony sighed.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean...we know generally what type of power she has, but not the full extent."

"Okay, what type is it?"

"Something akin to our Asgardian Thunder friend."

"T...thor? She has powers like Thor?" Bucky stammered. Tony nodded, swirling his glass. "Like, lightning?"

"More electrical, really. Thor has been...coaching her, the best he can, but she's slightly different. It's she's manipulating the molecules' energy around her, rather than just drawing it."

Bucky breathed, taking in this information. Then it clicked.

"Hydra knew about her. Her powers." He thought aloud. Tony nodded again. "The agent...He was shaking when he walked up to her. How..." Bucky trailed off.

"How what?"

"How did Hydra know about her if we didn't?"

"She's been on Hydra's list for a while." Tony explained. Bucky could tell there was more to it. "It's not my story to tell. They shouldn't have known she was here."

"That's why you had me watching her."

"Who better to watch someone on Hydra's list, than someone that used to work for Hydra?"

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