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Bucky was right. You did know there was a party going on.

You could hear numerous loud voices coming from the other side of the wall while you were trying to sketch something other than FroYo's idiotic face. You didn't even know why you kept drawing him, but everytime your pencil hit the paper, that's what came out. Maybe it was because you were always thinking about how annoying he was.

Once you heard voices that didn't sound like Tony's, you threw your notebook aside and pressed your ear against the door. After a little while, you could pick out Sam and Steve's voice, as well as his. Ugh, it was like he didn't go anywhere other than this lab.

You heard them asking Tony about you, and let out a few quiet laughs at Tony's responses. Can't remember your name? As if the guys would believe that.

It would make sense that there was a party tomorrow. It'd been a couple of months since the last one, and everyone knew that Tony couldn't go too long between festivities. Assuming it was like the other parties, it would be in the main common area, people would start arriving around 7pm, and Tony would get there for 10pm.

That meant that if you went at 8pm, you'd have a decent couple of hours to enjoy yourself. And the guys? Well, maybe you could have a little fun with them as well.

The next day, you knew that Tony would leave the lab at 6pm, because FRIDAY had reminded him that he had arranged a dinner with Pepper. You also knew that he would secure the lab, and double secure your room, which meant that using the window was out of the question. It'd have to be Plan B - rewiring FRIDAY's surveillance and using the air vent to slip into the next room where there was no alarm. Lovely.

You waved Tony off at five minutes to six. You waited another fifteen minutes (in case he decided to come back and check), before springing into action. You sang to yourself as you got changed into a nice little dress, then grabbed your tools and headed to the panel by the lab door to get to work.

It wasn't easy reprogramming the security system, seeing as apparently Tony had upgraded it when he connected your window. It was close to 7.30 before you were finished, and you still had to crawl through the vents. It'd been a while since you did this apparently, because it was a tight squeeze in the vents. But you eventually made it to the next room, which was just a materials storage room, and tested opening the door a fraction. If there was an alarm, you would see the lab go red, and the light would filter through the vent which you were currently staring at.

No light. No alarm. You brushed off some air duct dust off your dress, then slipped through the door.

When you got ready, you had put on some rather heavy eyeliner and decided to wear a dark red lipstick. You figured that, seeing as you never usually wore makeup, the people who saw you at the party would never recognise you in the lab. Not if you were only flitting past them, anyway.

Tony would never think it was you on the camera, wearing a dress, but you didn't want to risk it anyway. You moved fast, you walked with purpose, but you still stuck to the shadows and kept your head down. You headed to the main common area, hearing the music loud before you'd even approached it. The double doors were already open, making it easy for you to slip through them and into the crowd.

You scanned the room, noting only a couple of people that you knew of - Natasha Romanov and Bruce Banner. The rest were nobodies, but that was fine by you. You started by slinking from group to group, towards the bar, until you finally reached it, ordering a standard Gin and Tonic, and keeping yourself to yourself until it arrived. You took a big sip before looking around the room, seeing who you'd play with first.

Whenever you attended these things, you liked to pretend to be a different person with each different group you spoke to. That way, you got to pretend to be someone new, and also, if the other people ever described you to someone else, they'd all have different versions of your identity, with no one ever knowing the truth.

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