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You nodded dumbly, then pulled on his neck, your lips reattaching. This one was different. This kiss was harder, messier, your pants louder.

You fell into him, no longer caring about keeping him at arm's length, not when his hands were running all over you, not when his mouth was making you feel like this. It was like your brain had shut down, your thoughts silenced, your body just reacting to his touch.

He started attacking your neck, roughly mouthing you, his tongue trying to lick your skin in between. It felt messy, but he wasn't trying to control himself anymore.

You needed it to slow down.

"Bucky," You breathed, but he didn't stop. He didn't stop kissing your neck, he didn't stop pushing your Tshirt over your stomach, his fingers trailing over the newly exposed skin. "Bucky, can...we just...wait.."

"Stay fucking quiet." He ordered, his voice a bit out of breath, but still incredibly commanding. "Luka, for once, just shut the fuck up."

Then you were both moaning into each other's mouths as he pulled your hips against his, rocking harshly into you, letting you know exactly where this was headed.

You squealed as he suddenly threw you back onto the bed.

"You can't just throw me wherever you want!" You spat. He climbed on top of you. You started to crawl backwards underneath him. "We can't just-"

"I told you to shut the fuck up." He growled before putting his hands either side of your head and pressing his body down, stopping your movements, and his kiss stopping your words.

You humphed against his lips, moving your head so that his mouth slipped off you. He pulled back, leaning on his hands, and raising an eyebrow at you.

"Come on then, tell me why you're suddenly pissed off." He said. You frowned.

"It's not sudden! You can't just do this and expect me to forget that you just tried to punch Nick, or spent the last two months being an asshole!"

"I don't think I was the asshole here." He smiled, leaning down and kissing your neck. You tried to push against his shoulders, but his hands whipped to yours and he slammed your hands back onto the bed. You wriggled against his hold but you knew it was futile. "You have been a brat ever since I met you."

"Fucking rude-"

"And yet," He continued, ignoring you completely and trailing his lips to your collarbone. "You keep kissing me, you keep letting me touch you."

"That's not the-"

"It is the point." He growled into your skin, before biting it, making you hiss into the air. He moved back up to your face, his eyes glaring down at you, his mouth millimetres from yours. You sucked in a breath. "You keep shouting how you hate me, how you think I put you in danger, how your precious Nick is a saint, but we both know the truth."

You stayed silent, feeling yourself being drawn in, feeling his entire body pressed against yours, his breath fanning over his face every time he spoke.

"Because the truth is, is that I know what you want. Because all you really want, is for me to fuck this attitude out of you." He whispered, before smashing his lips to yours. You felt like your entire body had been dunked into ice cold water. After a couple of seconds of getting over your shock, you started vaguely wriggling underneath him again.

"I know you're scared." He muttered, moving his lips to your neck so that he could talk in between kissing you, and giving you space to breathe as he spoke. You stopped moving. "Lashing out cos you feel vulnerable. But that has nothing to do with the fact that your body reacts to every little thing I do." He pushed his hips against you, and you bit your lip, fighting a moan. "In the gym, I could see you thinking about me pushing you against that wall. In the mornings, I watch your eyes on me. You think I don't fucking notice." He chuckled slightly, then ran his tongue over your skin, looking up to watch you shiver beneath him. He moved up to your face again, placing a testing kiss to the corner of your mouth. He could hear your breath shaky as it left your lips. "Keep your secrets. Keep saying you hate me, I don't give a shit anymore. Just let me give you what you want princess." He whispered, trying to persuade you to give in.

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