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A few days after you started training with Nat, you woke up, screwing your face up in disdain as the aches spiralled through your body. Fighting was hard. It was effort. Your powers didn't hurt this much.

You slowly stretched as you sat up in your bed, rolling your neck to the side as your bedroom door swung open.

Bucky was waltzing in for his morning perimeter check routine. You ignored his presence, just as you did every other morning, while he looked through your room, ran his hands over the windows, vents, anything where something could have gotten in, or a bug planted. You swung your duvet off, hopping out of bed and made your way to the bathroom when he stepped in your way.

"Haven't checked it."

"Well I need to pee, so if you don't move, it'll be all over your shoes in about 5 seconds." You quipped back. His eyes narrowed at you, and then he stepped to the side. You rolled your eyes and you walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. You could see the shadows of his feet under the door, as he clearly waited right outside.

You sat on the toilet, going about your business, closing your eyes and just breathing in silence for a moment. Once you were done, you flushed the toilet and turned on the shower. Bucky knocked on the door.

"You didn't say you needed a shower too." Came his voice. "I need to check it."

"Well come and check." You spat, becoming more and more annoyed at his intrusion before you'd even had coffee.

The door opened, and you stood with your hands on your hips as he paused in front of you, then moved around the room checking everything.

"See, nothing. Same as every other morning." You said.

"It's my job."

"Of course."

You both stared at each other for a beat.

"I need to shower so..." You gestured to the door. He slowly stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door, but not all the way. He left it open just a slither. It was probably to make sure he could run in, in case you slipped or were murdered. But it annoyed you.

You stomped up and pushed it shut all the way.

You glared at the door, expecting him to open it, to fight you against it, but he didn't. So, you started getting undressed and had your shower.

The water washed over you, rolling over your skin, but you didn't feel clean. You didn't feel better.

Ever since your talk with Nat, you hadn't stopped thinking. About Bucky, his past, the things you said to him. You weren't sure how you felt anymore. And that uncertainty was making you more frustrated.

You felt like an idiot for not knowing the full story. Then you thought it was some kind of karma, because he didn't exactly know your full story. You felt like you should be nicer to him. You felt like you needed to keep him at arm's length still.

If he went through all that torture under Hydra's hand, why put him through anymore? Your powers, your life, it wasn't something that anyone puts up with for a long period of time, except for Tony. But that was different. Your relationship with Tony was far different than the relationship you had with Bucky, or with anyone else. It was too dangerous. Hydra's attack showed you that.

You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around yourself, and walked into your room, your mind on other things. You jumped when you heard him say your name.

"Jesus fuck!" You shouted, almost dropping your towel. You rushed to tighten it around your body. He noticed. "Forgot you were there."

He licked his bottom lip, before closing his mouth and tensing his jaw.

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