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TW: Some kink language

Bucky wouldn't even let you pay for the meal. Which made you feel even worse. It made you feel like he thought this was a proper date, and you couldn't imagine anything further from the truth.

After you left the restaurant, Bucky instantly went to his bike and passed you the helmet. You didn't take it.

"What, you wanna take me to another restaurant?" He teased. You glared and snatched the helmet out of his hands. You shoved it on your head and got onto the bike. This time, you held the back rail, like you tried to last time, determined to make his life more difficult after the show he just put on. And it sure did. It took him 15 extra minutes to get to the compound, after he realised you weren't going to hold onto him or help with the turns, meaning that he had to slow down. As soon as you pulled into the garage, you jumped off, threw the helmet on the floor and stomped off.

You heard his footsteps behind you after a few seconds.

"What the hell has got you so riled up?" He called after you, but you kept walking. "Hey!" He grabbed your arm, but you just wrenched it out of his grip and kept going. "Princess!"

You whirled round to him.

"Stop calling me that." You seethed, and he took a step back when he realised that you were actually quite angry.

"Well I still don't know your name, so it's 'princess', or 'doll'. And you made your feelings on 'doll' quite clear."

"And now my feelings on 'princess' are clear. Fucking stop. Or I'll start calling you James."

There was a pause as he stared at you.

"I don't think I'd mind that, actually" He countered.

You groaned in frustration (both kinds) and turned back around to walk to the lab. He followed. Of course he followed. He was like those annoying wasps that followed you around outside just being annoying as fuck.

"Alright, well tell me why you're particularly mad now then?" He asked, when it was clear that you weren't going to answer him. "I mean, you're pissed off at me most of the time, but tonight you seem especially-"

"Wanna know why I'm pissed off?!" You suddenly snapped at him, stopping your stomping steps and walking towards him instead. "Because you single handedly ruined the first fucking date I've had in four fucking years! All I wanted was to drink, get laid and move on with my life but no, crappy Fossil Man had to do his 'duties' and make me look like an asshole! Now I'll go another 4 years without getting fucking any!" You shouted, not even knowing if there was anyone else in the halls watching. You hoped they weren't. But you also didn't really care at this point. Bucky was just staring down at you, his face blank as you screamed at him.

Until, his expression changed. His eyes got an odd emotion behind them. It wasn't shock. You couldn't really tell what it was.

"Four years?" He suddenly said, his voice quiet. "You haven't been with anyone for four years?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but no." You scoffed, turning away and heading to walk down the hallway again, when Bucky grabbed your arm and whirled you back around, pushing you against the wall and standing in front of you.

Just like the party.

Just like your dreams.

"If you can meet anyone online, why has it taken you four years?" He asked. You stayed silent, scrutinizing his gaze which seemed to be running over your face. "If you didn't want me there, why did you make me take you?"

"I have to, don't I?"

"No." He laughed. "You know every way in and out of this compound, so if you wanted to go alone, I bet you know 10 different ways of doing exactly that. So why did you ask me?"

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