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It took you 15 minutes to get your hands out of the tied string. You'd hooked your arms under your legs, then used your teeth to loosen the knot.

After you were freed, you sat on the floor, panting in anger, annoyed at his audacity to leave you hanging yet again.

You don't know why you changed your mind. But you knew you wanted it. You wanted Bucky. All you knew was that the thought of watching him walk out, ending this whole affair, it stabbed at your heart.

You groaned into your hands, feeling your skin tingle all over, as the image of him replayed over and over in your head. On top of you, kissing you, looking up at him when he laid on the bed.

You felt your veins lighting up, and quickly stood to shake it all out.

It was a game, as he kept saying. A game of pushing buttons, of power dynamics, of who was in charge.

God you wanted it.

It was hardly going to lead to anything else, you thought, just sex. Just using a body for your own pleasure. You still didn't like Bucky, not as a person. But god damn did you like what he did to you.

A game. That's all it was. A little game, where, if you played your cards right, you'd get laid.

The next day, you woke up, ready to play.

You got ready with confidence, opting for a loose Tshirt that always slipped down your shoulders, and leggings, with the idea that you would bend over a lot and he'd have to notice. He may be a supersoldier, but he was still a man.

You didn't even wait for the beeper to sound, for Bucky to get here. You just left the lab, veered to the left, and let your feet carry you to the only place you'd been thinking about since yesterday.

You knocked on his door.

He pulled it open, and you were greeted by the sight of him on the opposite side, one of his hands tucked in his pocket.

He was only wearing a Tshirt and sweatpants. But your mouth still salivated all the same. And your eyes lingered a little more than they should have.

"Wanna take a picture, princess?" He teased, and you snapped your eyes back up.

"You wish." You scoffed, pushing past him and walking into his room.

"Don't tell me you wanna go again already?" He whispered in your ear once he caught up with you.

"I actually want to rummage through your things, see what I can sell for scrap. It's not all about you." You turned around as you spoke, and you saw your hoodie on the bed, out the corner of your eye. From yesterday.
"You could have brought it back." You glared, before walking over and picking it up.

"Why would I do that? I like the reminder." He replied, stepping closer to you, in your space.


"It reminds me of when you were undressing yourself, all for me."

"I didn't come here for that. Fucking pervert."

His hand gripped your throat before you could inhale, and you watched him lick his bottom lip. Fucking hell.

"We both know exactly why you came here. Because you didn't get what you wanted last night." He said. You breathed helplessly as he moved closer and let his lips graze yours.

"Neither did you." You accused. His fingers loosened on your neck, and instead he cupped your jaw as he ran his eyes over you.

"Oh Luka, I got exactly what I wanted."

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