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Bucky left you on your own, with a complete fucking mess of feelings swirling round your head as you watched his figure disappear out the doors.

You yelled out. In annoyance. In frustration. It felt like the lights flickered as you screwed your eyes shut.

He was being an asshole. You wanted it. You were so close.

You wanted it.

Well, you obviously wanted... the stuff. Not Bucky himself. If anyone else had said those kind of things, done those kinds of things, you would have wanted it with them. It just so happened that it was Bucky.

Yeah, that's obviously what was going on.

It wasn't Bucky that you liked, it was all the physical bits. Two completely separate things.

After a few minutes of glaring at the floor, you finally got yourself together and headed to your room, determined not to cross paths with the supersoldier ever again.

Bucky, on the other hand, felt like he was in the best mood of his life over the next few days, a smile permanently on his face, and he didn't even notice his muscles aching as he trained. He hadn't heard from you since he pushed you that day in the gym, but he wasn't expecting it. He had all the answers he needed, and knew you would be trying to rationalise the events, and probably trying your best to avoid him.

You'd be back before you knew it.

From the minute he met you in the lab, he knew that there was something about you. Something that interested him. Something he liked. The time he spent with you, even though you weren't particularly willing, just heightened his intrigue, and the last two times he'd seen you in the gym just made him realise that you were also attracted to him, which fuelled the fire even more. Falling into that dynamic with you was just so fucking easy, and he found that he was actually enjoying it. Really, really enjoying it. Now he just had to wait until the inevitable next meeting, and see whether he could get you to finally admit that you wanted him, and finally reveal what he should call you when he gets to fuck you.

He waltzed into the gym in the early afternoon, most of the team already there, and he smiled and waved at everyone. It earned him a few strange looks, but he didn't care. Not when his eyes glanced over at the wall that he had pressed you again earlier that week and he smiled to himself. He decided to use the punching bag today.

After a few minutes, he heard his friend's voice pipe up.

"You alright there Buck?" Steve asked as he walked over, concern etched into his face. Bucky panted, catching the punching bag and looking at his friend.

"Yeah man. Really good. You alright?" He replied with a smile.

"Yeah... do you...need any help?" Steve gestured to the bag.

"Sure! Only if you're not busy punk." He winked at Steve, who paused, and then laughed at him, then placed himself behind the bag, ready for Bucky to punch.

"You a good mood."

"I feel good." Bucky said, punching the bag, Steve not even wobbling behind it.

"Any reason in particular?"

Bucky quickly glanced up at him before returning to his exercise.

"Just, getting on with things really." Steve nodded at his response, but he knew he wasn't fully satisfied with his answer.

"Okay well we can't be too much longer, we have that meeting in a couple hours." Steve replied.

It was an Avengers team meeting, called by Tony because they had some intel that there seemed to be some suspicious activity down at an old Hydra base off the coast of Peru, so they had to talk about the best move forward.

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