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The speaker clicked off, and Bucky knew he was alone with you. He touched his earpiece, trying to contact the team, but sure enough, it was just static in his ear. He yelled out in frustration and punched the wall. It barely even cracked.

He crouched back down in front of you, trying again to prise the cuffs off you, even though he knew it wouldn't work.

"Why are you bothering?" You said, your eyes opening slowly and your voice croaky.

"Luka, hey, hey princess." He said hurriedly as his hands went to your face. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

"No point." You groaned. "You're wasting your time." You rolled your head back, your eyes closing again as you could feel your powers weakening.

"I'm never wasting time when it comes to you." He moved his hands back to the cuffs by your ankles, trying desperately to rip them apart.

"Just piss off Barnes." You growled, feeling his fingers pinch your skin as he tried to find a weak point on the cuffs.

"Stop trying to tell me what to do."

"Fuck you."

"Bit late for that." He laughed in response.

"Just leave it, it's not going to work." You replied, frowning again as he grunted at the cuffs. "Just leave me here."

"I'm not leaving this building without you, now shut up and let me-"

"James just FUCKING GO!" You yelled, your anger seeping through your body and making the cuffs short circuit enough to electrocute Bucky and send him falling back.

He looked between your glossed over eyes and the cuffs. They were supposed to be draining your power. That didn't feel like your powers were weakening.

"Luka you need to try and use your powers." He said, making you huff with a half-hearted laugh.

"You don't think I've tried? I've been here a week, you think I was just counting the ceiling tiles?" You retorted. He smiled. Even captured and restrained, you still had that fight in you. He had to use it.

"You have all this power and you can't even get through some little metal cuffs?"

"You think these are little?!" You struggled against them to prove how strong they were, but Bucky just laughed and leaned down on his knees, staring at you.

"You can short circuit the entire compound, and you killed 6 Hydra agents at once. If you wanted to get out, you would. But you've given up."

"I haven't given up."

"You've given up. Just like when I kissed you and you ran away. Just like when I tried to ask you to tell me the truth and you shut down and refused to talk to me. Just like when you didn't want to let me in and went to Nick instead."

"I didn't give up." You snarled. The cuffs sparked again. Bucky saw the veins in your forearm faintly try to glow.

"You did. Now use those powers that you hid from me for so long and get yourself out!"

"I can't!"

"You can!"

"Fuck off Barnes!" You yelled, and the cuffs on your wrists started crackling.

"No, do you know how angry you made me? How patient I had to be waiting for you to finish your childish games?"

"It wasn't a game-"

"You acted like a brat, making jabs and insulting me every chance you got, kissing him when you were trying to push me away, because of what? Because I used to work for Hydra?"

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