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Bucky took you back to your room with no other words shared between you. You could feel the alcohol quickly filtering out of your system as you walked in silence, and it was overtaken by a weird feeling of anticipation. Like something was about to happen. You couldn't figure out what. You felt antsy.

He held the door open for you to walk into the lab. He closed it behind you both. He followed you into your room. You stood by the bed, and turned round to him, seeing that he was just standing in the doorway, watching you.

"Are you going to, you know, do your checks?" You asked. It took him a second to respond, but then he nodded, and started moving around the room. You could tell he was half-assing it. He was keeping you in his peripherals. You felt frozen to the spot, not being able to do anything but watch him.

You said you wanted to go to bed. That's what you said. That you were going to bed. To sleep.

Seeing him move around your room though, it made you reconsider that idea.

He barely looked into the bathroom before walking back up to you. He stopped just in front of you, impossibly close. His breath hitting your face as you both stared at each other.

"All good." He whispered. You nodded. His eyes looked insanely blue from this close, his pupils big, his nose almost brushing yours. You felt an odd pull in your stomach. "I'll let you get some sleep." He added, moving away from you.

Panic stabbed at your heart.

You grabbed his arm.

"Um..." You said in a cracked voice before swallowing. "Can you...can you help me with my dress?" You asked, not letting go of his arm until you saw him nod stiffly. You turned your back to him, and moved your hair out of the way to drape over your left shoulder.

It wasn't a difficult dress. You didn't need someone to help unzip it.

But you wanted Bucky to.

It took him a couple of seconds to walk up to you, for you to feel his fingers graze your back, then to hear the tic of the metal unzipping, your dress loosening from your body. You held the fabric to your chest with one hand, and let your eyes close as you focused on just his touch.

His hands slid to your arms, just below your shoulders, and he leaned closer to your right ear.

"All done." He whispered, before placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder. Your head rolled back a little. He noticed. He placed another kiss on your skin, moving closer to your neck. He saw you tilt your head, giving him more access. The next kiss he placed was less soft. Your lips parted as you sighed.

He slowly slid his hands off your arms, going to where you were holding your dress up, and he cautiously tugged on the material. Your fingers relaxed slightly, and he prised the material out of your hands. You let it fall to the floor.

Then you whipped round, throwing your arms around his neck, and kissed him.

He instantly put his hands on either side of your face and kissed you back. Your hands went into his hair, fingers threading through the short tufts and gripping them in a fist. He groaned in your mouth and moved his arms around your waist, pulling your body into his. You were kissing each other eagerly, hungrily, stepping out of your dress, walking back to the bed, neither of you daring to break the connection between you. His tongue slid over your bottom lip, and you gladly opened your mouth as you blindly climbed on the bed behind you as he, for lack of a better word, devoured you.

You put one knee on the bed behind you, then the other, moving back as his hands slid round your back to your hips, then down to your thighs. Suddenly, he was lifting you up, his mouth popping off yours, and then he threw you on your back onto the sheets.

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