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Bucky didn't let go of your arm. You were glad. His grip was holding you up, holding you against him, your knees buckling while his gorgeous lips explored yours.

His other arm wrapped around your waist, dragging you closer as he kissed you again, hot, urgent, needy.

"Stop!" You said, pulling back and trying to push him away at the same time. He growled, moving his hand from your elbow to the back of your head, trying to pull you back in, but you pushed harder. "STOP!" You yelled, making the lights crackle, and flicker.

He let you push him away that time. He looked up at the lights, then back at you. He took a step forward.

"STOP!" You yelled again, making him freeze when one of the bulbs blew overhead.

"I've stopped." He said calmly, his hands up as if surrendering to you. You breathed heavily, staring back at him.

"I don't know what you want from me."

"Luka I -"

"Stop saying my name!" You ran your hands through your hair, spinning on your heel and stomping across the room again. "I don't need you to watch me 24/7, to be around me all the time. I was fine, FINE before I met you, no threats, no attacks, then YOU turned up and all of a sudden they found me!" You ranted. He stayed silent. "I don't need someone to look after me, I can fucking take down anyone that I want to so just FUCK OFF!"

The lights sizzled again. Bucky eyed them suspiciously, hearing the loud current whizzing through the cables, before taking a deep breath. He was in dangerous territory.

You were riled. Riled beyond the petty jabs and insults you usually hurled at him, you were angry. He understood. You'd been attacked, you were fresh out of an ambush - you felt vulnerable. Hydra had found you again, and the only thing that had changed was Bucky. And Bucky was the face of Hydra. You didn't trust anything right now.

You were also right in saying that you didn't need anyone to fight your battles. From what he's seen so far, just from you getting pissed off, your powers were more than he could offer. He almost wanted to agree that you didn't need him.

Then he remembered what Tony said, all those weeks ago, when this arrangement first started.

'With everything that's happened between us, I don't think you would double cross me, even if she asks you to.'

Tony had asked him to keep you safe. So far, he hadn't done a very good job. Tony was telling him to keep you safe now.

He owed the guy. You were in danger. That took precedence over your arrogance right now.

Straightening up, Bucky looked at you, his decision made. You were panting from your anger, staring at a spot just above the floor in front of him, not directly at him.

"I'm doing what Tony says." He said. Your eyes shot up to him, and narrowed.


"I'm doing what Tony says." He repeated, slowly walking towards you. "He says I'm your bodyguard, that's what I'm gonna be."

He reached you, standing in front of you, towering over you. You wanted to be angry, to be pissed off. But him standing so close, the look on his face, it made it all disappear. You couldn't think of anything to say.

"Now, where are we going?" He asked. You glared at him.

"Ask Tony. Apparently I have no say in my life anymore." You walked to the sofa, falling onto it, and watching him get his phone out, texting the billionaire.

You picked at your fingernails, both of you in silence, waiting for Tony's response. When it came through, you didn't even look up at the soldier when he said you were going back to the lab. You just got up, headed to the door, only looking directly at him when he held his arm out before opening the remotely unlocked door, telling you to stay behind him. You rolled your eyes, wanting to say something, wanting to remind him that this was a secure level, that you had infinite levels of power, but you held your tongue.

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