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"That hurts!" You hissed.

"No it doesn't." He responded. You glared at him over your shoulder. He shuffled back, to rest on his knees, then tugged on the Tshirt bind. He smiled. "Perfect."

You laid there, watching him as closely as you could over your shoulder as he lowered his body down, feeling his muscles pressing over your back. Half of you wanted to kick, fight, push him off, and half of you...

The bed dipped by the side of your head, his hand pressing down on the sheets. You waited, his mouth getting closer to your ear, his breath feeling hot on your skin, his words on the tip of his tongue.

"What exactly do you plan on doing here Barnes?" You said hesitantly, after a few seconds of silence. A few seconds of painful silence. With him just on top of you. Barely touching you.Not touching you the way you wanted.

He laughed.

Then you felt one of his hands slide around your hip. Automatically, your body arched, lifting your hips off the bed slightly so that his hand could slip between you and the bed. Then you clenched your jaw and stilled yourself. But he'd already noticed.

His lips grazed your earlobe. You felt your heart thumping loudly in your chest as you waited for him, half naked and tied up on his bed.

"What I plan on doing," He whispered, suddenly making your entire body shiver. "Is to take you back to your room."

"Wait wha-" Your sentence cut off as you squealed, from the sudden movement of him tugging on your hips until your whole body came off the bed, and then he was throwing you over his shoulder, his arm wrapping around your thighs to hold you in place.

"James Barnes put me the fuck down NOW!" You shouted as he seemed to spin around in place with you just resting on his shoulder.

He sat on the bed, pulling your body onto his so that you were now straddling his lap, one hand on your tied wrists behind your back, the other around your waist. You huffed the strands of hair out of your face.

"I don't appreciate being manhandled by some science experiment." You spat, trying to wriggle out of the deathgrip he had on you.

"You know, if I hadn't been through all this therapy, some of your nicknames would really hurt."


"But I know it's really a cover up for you getting turned on."

"What?! Absolutely not, you m-"

He shut you up by tugging on your wrist restraint and kissing you. This motherfucker had a seriously bad habit of kissing you mid sentence, and you fucking hated it.


He pulled back to see you red faced and frowning.

"Stop doing that." You hissed.

"But you enjoy it so much." He retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Bet you didn't even notice your hips moving over me."

As if to illustrate his point, he pulled on your hips, sliding your core over him. You smothered down the moan in your throat, but he still noticed. It just seemed to make his eyes darken.

"Now," he continued. "Back to your room."

Once again, he threw you over his shoulder, then stood up, and you watched the floor of his bedroom disappear as he walked out of the room. You shouted, cursed, wiggled and fought as much as you could, but you were a dead weight with nothing to hit him with.

Halfway to the lab, you gave up, and just went limp. Waiting for him to put you down.

You watched the floor turn into the lab tile, then into the carpet of your bedroom. Suddenly, you were flung down and landed awkwardly on the bed. You shuffled around as best you could with your hands tied behind your back, until you were finally seated and facing him. He had the audacity to look bored.

All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now