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You weren't completely sure that making Bucky leave was the best idea. After you'd...finished, you'd panicked, hoping he didn't notice anything strange, and just needed him to not be there to think about the next step.

You got your orgasm. That was what you wanted.

The whole point of taking him back to your room was to get this out of your system. But, five minutes after he left, you realised that it wasn't out of your system. You wanted more. And that angered you.

You'd have to find another way to get more, because you couldn't go back to Bucky. You couldn't give him that ego boost knowing he was affecting you like this. You mean, regularly fucking Barnes? Absolutely ludacris.

You kept focused on finishing the weapons and comms system for the Peru mission over the couple of days, which the team were now leaving for tomorrow. Tony was finishing the suits in the lab on the worktop next to you, when he suddenly yawned loudly and stretched, his back cracking in a few places and drawing your attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" He teased as you rolled your eyes.

"You even yawn arrogantly." You chuckled back.

"Actually, now that you're paying attention, I was going to invite you to dinner tonight. Make sure you're ready for 7."

You frowned, stopping what you were doing, and just staring at him.

"Dinner? You're...you're allowing me to sit down for dinner with you? Didn't know you socialized with the help, Mr Stark."

"You're a little more important than 'the help', kid. And it's not just me, it's with the whole team." He said, shrugging as he stood and headed over to the side of the room. Your mouth dropped open.

"Hold on," You turned on your seat, holding a finger up as Tony looked back round at you, with a very bored expression on his face. "A month ago, you didn't even want me to get a coffee. Now you're having me in meetings and want me to sit with the whole team and have a meal with them?" Tony nodded. "Who the hell are you, and what have you done with Tony?"

"Funny." He glared, before waving his hand in the air as if dismissing something. "Just think it would be beneficial. They met you last week, and it might be a nice idea to have you as more of a ... direct tech consultant for them."

You stood. This was definitely weird. Incredibly weird.

"Why?" You asked, suspicion lacing your voice, your arms folding over your chest. Tony sighed. He had spent years making it very clear that you were not to be seen, not to speak to anyone, not to leave this room. It was all very odd for him to suddenly change his tone.

"Alright kid, you want the reason? I know you're itching to get out of this ... monotony. I'm tired of trying to keep you in. You know, you have lots of...skills, and I think the team can benefit from coming to you with weapon or suit ideas so that I can focus on other stuff. If you're gonna go anywhere, might as well go to a room of superheroes."

You regarded Tony. Watching his shiftiness, the fact he wouldn't look you in the eye. The words he was using. This wasn't Tony speaking.

"Pepper told you to do this, didn't she?" You mused, trying to hide a smile.

"She...might have mentioned something." He replied, looking at the ceiling and scratching his chin. "There was something about me 'overworking'. Not dividing responsibilities, keeping you in a cage...or some bullcrap like that. I mean she talks a lot, I can't remember everything she says."

"She's right though, otherwise you wouldn't be mentioning it." You pointed out.

"Yeah yeah, just don't tell her that alright?" He laughed, walking over and pulling you into a hug. "So, 7, be ready. I'll get Barnes to pick you up - I have a conference call just before."

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