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Over the next week, you kept to Tony's deal.


Well, you kept the part of the deal where Tony said that Bucky had to accompany you everywhere. Like at 8 in the morning when you wanted coffee, and Bucky had to drag himself down to the lab to take you. Or at 11pm at night when you wanted ice cream, and again, he had to come down to take you to the kitchens.

The part of the deal that you weren't keeping, was keeping Bucky around.

You were enjoying getting him to take you somewhere, until you ultimately gave him the slip and disappeared, only to walk back into the lab a couple hours later by yourself, and usually finding Bucky waiting outside with a glare on his face. Then you would walk into the lab together, and as far as Tony was aware, Bucky had been attached to your side the entire time.

It had turned into quite a game recently. Bucky tried his best to catch up to you every time you slipped away, and even tried preempting when you would do it, but you just knew too much about the secret passageways through the compound for him to catch you every time.

You barely spoke to him while you were on your 'outings' other than 'We are going here'. He kept trying to ask you questions, kept trying to find out your name, but you ignored him every time. Or you made a sarcastic remark back. You were pretty sure he just had you saved under 'Annoying Woman' or something on his phone. But, you were finding the whole thing pretty fun. It broke up your monotonous days quite nicely.

The only other ....thing that had apparently developed during this time of Bucky being your bodyguard, was the dreams. You had started having more dreams that were incredibly similar to the one you had after the party. Of Bucky kissing you.

Sometimes more than kissing you.

Which really pissed you off, because then when you had to spend your day with him, which made you angrier. And being angry at Bucky as usually how the dreams started. You really needed to get laid soon, otherwise this was going to get out of control. I mean, kissing the most despicable supersoldier that worked for the literal Nazis? No thank you. Definitely was not going to happen. It was obviously because Bucky was the ONLY person other than Tony that you had been allowed to be around for weeks. And definitely not because he was mildly attractive.

So, what else were you supposed to do in this situation?

You texted Bucky your plans.

You: I need to go out.

Bucky: Where? I think the compound has run out of ice cream by now.

You: I have a date. I need you to take me.

He didn't respond to that. You stared at your phone for 10 minutes before you realised he wasn't ever going to reply. You threw your phone on your bed and huffed as you went over to your mirror. You were dressed and ready, and your eyeliner was in a perfect line across your lid. If you had to sneak out through the vents again, none of it would get massively messed up.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the lab door. Tony had installed a little beeper in your room, which would beep whenever it was Bucky at the door, so that you knew it was safe to answer. It was beeping now.

So, apparently he was going to take you, he just didn't have very good manners about texting back.

You grabbed your things, then headed over and opened the door. Bucky looked you up and down, which made you feel...weird. You found yourself doing the same to him.

No! This is exactly why you had a date.

"Didn't fancy texting me back then?" You scoffed.

"How do you have a date?" He replied, ignoring your question completely. You rolled your eyes and shut the door behind you as you stepped out of the lab.

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