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"When she first came to me, she was on the run from Hydra. I've been keeping her hidden, keeping her a secret, so that they don't find her again." Tony explained, choosing his words very carefully.

"Why was she on the run?" Wanda asked.

"I...I'm not entirely sure. Something to do with her parents, they were involved I think. Hydra wanted to tie up loose ends." Tony caught Bucky's eyes as he glowered at him from the back of the group. Tony cleared his throat. "The Hydra attack, someone figured out she was here, so they waited until we were gone to try and take her."

"How did they know we weren't here?" Rhody said.

"That's what we are trying to find out. I didn't lie when I said we have a leak."

"Just what the leak was about." Nat confirmed.

"Regardless, someone in this compound has ties with Hydra, and told them that we were going to investigate the Peru base."

"There are numerous times that we have all been absent from the compound, why would they attack now?" Vision queried. The others waited for Tony's answer.

"Well, you all know she uses a fake name. Her real name is pretty..." Tony glanced back at Bucky. "Identifiable" Nat frowned. "She also changes how she looks, changes her hair and things like that, to try and avoid someone noticing her. The theory is, she keeps that up, stays hidden, she'd never be on their radar."

"But she is." Steve said, and Tony nodded.

"She also...kind of has a habit of sneaking out."

"What?" Rhodey blurted out. "You have someone who is being targeted by Hydra and you let her sneak out?"

"I don't let anything! She's a grown woman. In case you hadn't noticed she's also pretty smart. I have to keep upgrading my security system every other month cos she finds ways around it." Tony sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "Bottom line, is that it's gotta be someone that works here, that also worked in the tower in New York. Must have spotted her from whenever she escapes, spent all this time putting two and two together, fed the information back to Hydra that she was here."

The team was silent for a moment. Bucky was still glaring at Tony, silently simmering in anger that he still wasn't telling them the whole story. Simmering in anger that he could tell there was more to the story that even he hadn't heard.

"You guys just need to trust me on this." Tony said in a soft voice. "I would have told you about her if I thought it would be safer than keeping her a secret. It seems that either way, I was wrong. We need to find out who the rat is, and then it's finished. I'll tell you her real name, you can ask her whatever you like. But until we end this, you just need to trust me."

"Alright." Clint said, shrugging slightly. "She seems cool. Plus, it's our jobs right? Protect the innocent and all?"
Bucky snorted at the word innocent. You were anything but. A few of them looked at him, but he coughed, pretending like nothing happened.

"And uh...this Nick guy..." Sam said, a questioning tone to his voice that he hoped Tony caught on to. Bucky stood a little straighter.

"He's solid. I've known the kid for over a decade. He's known...Amy for about as long." Tony answered. Bucky still wasn't convinced. "So, anything else? Or shall we get back to work?"

The team let out a variety of shrugs, grunts and nods as they started to disperse, some of them returning to training, some heading out of the gym. Steve approached Bucky with his arms crossed.

"You told me the other day there was nothing else to tell." Steve said, an accusing tone to his voice. Bucky grimaced internally, but sighed outwardly.

"I know."

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