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As the kiss slowed, and as your lips separated, you noticed he kept his eyes closed for a couple of seconds before opening them again.

"I better go." He said. You frowned.


"You want me to stay?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. You opened your mouth. Then you shut it. You actually didn't know. You breathed in, your arms loosening, and you moved back to put a little distance between the two of you.

"I ...I don't.." You stammered, trying to force your brain to form a coherent thought amongst the fog of your orgasm aftermath. He waited patiently, his hand coming to rest on your cheek.

"It's fine Luka, I'll see you tomorrow." He answered for you, offering you a small smile before pressing a brief kiss to your lips. You continued to stare at him as he took his hands away from your body, as he stepped back, and started getting dressed. Your brain was not working at that moment. You were just staring at him as he pulled his trousers up, as he tugged his shirt on, grabbed his shoes, and left.

You stared at the door as your mind spiralled. Did you want him to stay? If he did, it felt it would mean something, like you two were a thing.

You supposed you were. It's not like you were getting with anyone else. It's not like you wanted to anymore.

Were you suddenly dating Bucky Barnes?

When did it stop being a weird game of no strings attached sex? When did you start feeling sad that he wouldn't stay after?

You rushed to put some clothes on.

You ran out of your room, and out of the lab.

You turned left, and sprinted down the corridor.

You didn't even knock when you reached the door, you just swung it open. He was taking his shirt off, about to put it on the back of his chair, when his head snapped up to you.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Innocently. So fucking innocently.

You walked up to him, grabbed his face, and kissed him, pushing him back against the desk. His hands found your wrists and he pulled your hands from him.

"Luka what's wrong?" He repeated, seemingly unphased by the fact you just jumped on him.

"Nothing, nothing just-"

"Luka." He commanded. You huffed.

"I don't know what this is." You blurted out. He opened his mouth but you just kept talking. "I don't know it is, or what it means, but you don't need to leave after sex. I'd rather you didn't leave after sex. I guess we're a thing, or I like you, or whatever. I don't know what else to tell you apart from...you didn't need to leave."

You watched him breathe in deeply after your jumbled mini-speech, then he licked his bottom lip.

"Okay." He said.


"Yeah." He nodded.

"I meant it. I don't know what-"

"I know." He chuckled.

"And...you're fine with that?" You queried as you frowned at him. He just slid his hands around your waist and pulled you closer.

"To be honest, I haven't known what's going on the whole time I'm with you. I'm just along for the ride." He laughed. "You can figure it out in your own time, doll."

"I told you I don't like that nickname."

"You didn't like princess either," He retorted as he nuzzled into your neck. "And you let me call you that all the time."

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