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Later that day, Tony and Steve found a bug behind the screen on the wall, like a shortened version of a usb stick. Tony and Nat looked into it over the next week, and found that it had been recording and transmitting wirelessly for weeks. They couldn't trace where it was transmitting to, but they could see that there were hundreds of audio files that had been sent. It had recorded every single thing that they had planned and discussed since just before they went to investigate the Peru base. You asked to borrow it after they'd done all the diagnostics they could.

You spent those few days thinking over everything two, three times in your head. Replaying memories, conversations, coincidences. Bucky could tell that something was on your mind, but he chalked it down to your last conversation about you not knowing what exactly was going on between the two of you. He didn't push it. He didn't question it when you switched from being silent for hours to ripping his clothes off.

He also didn't show his anger when Nick turned up at the compound two days later.

You'd acted just as you had last time he was here, spending your days with him instead of Bucky, joking around with your old friend, while Bucky watched from the sidelines. You stopped staying in Bucky's room at night. You stopped kissing him, touching him, all the things he had been slowly getting used to. Gone.

He was angry at you, at Nick, and at himself. He thought he'd made progress with you. That you were finally getting to the point that you could admit the truth of how you felt about Bucky. He'd held off telling you how he felt because he knew it would push you into getting defensive again. But everytime he saw you, he wanted to tell you. And everytime he saw you with Nick, he just wanted to say he was done with the whole thing.

One the third day of Nick's presence in the building, you knew what you had to do. And you put your plan into motion.

You had talked Tony into giving you access to one specific room on the second floor of the building, a room that you and the team had previously been restricted from. Tony had a lot of hesitation, a lot of protests about it, but he eventually gave in once you told him that it would end all of this, and he just had to trust you.

Just before dinner, you were walking around with Nick, and passed the lounge, where half the team were relaxing in, Bucky included. Bucky instantly looked up at you, watching you walk over to the kitchen to get yourself and Nick a drink, and head back out.

When you passed him, you threw him a piece of paper behind you. You didn't look at him, or acknowledge anyone else - you just left the room with Nick.

Bucky frowned at your retreating figure as he picked the paper off his stomach where it fell. He unfolded it, and read your scribbled writing;

Interrogation observation room, 5 mins. Bring everyone.

He looked back up at the door you just exited out of, his mind running fast. He showed Steve, who was sitting next to him, who shared an equally confused expression to Bucky's. Steve took the lead in rounding up the team, and they headed to the room as instructed.

It was a smaller room than the actual interrogation room, and it felt even smaller with the whole team packed in, staring through the glass and just seeing an empty table and chairs.

"What are we supposed to be doing here?" Sam asked.

"She didn't exactly lay out her intricate plan of a bit of scrap paper Sam." Bucky snapped back, his jaw tense as he, like everyone, waited for you to appear.

"I know but surely she told you-"

Sam shut his mouth quickly as the door to the room they were watching opened. Yours and Nick's figures appeared, both laughing at something, which made Bucky's blood boil. Steve put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.

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