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You were suddenly walking down the hallway in a complete haze.

What the actual fuck had just happened?

Bucky kissed you. He fucking kissed you.

You vaguely remember shoving him off and running out of the gym, but did you say anything? Did he? No clue. All you knew right now was that your blood was pumping in your ears, and your core was throbbing. Your lips were tingling.

You walked into the lab, staring at nothing in particular as you closed the door behind you and headed straight to your room. You weren't even sure if Tony was in there, whether you walked past him, or if he'd already gone for the day.

You got in the shower without really remembering taking off your clothes. Then you stood there as the water pelted your back.

He kissed you.

The whole evening must have been a thing, a test, a build up to him kissing you. It must have been planned. The Winter Soldier doesn't do much unplanned. How did you not see it coming?

Or maybe it's a whole joke. A prank. Another way to fuck with your head and piss you off.

Well it bloody worked.

You turned the shower cold, trying to rid yourself of your body's lying desires, and afterwards, got straight into bed.

Fuck Bucky Barnes.

You ignored him for the next few days. He texted you asking if you needed to go and get coffee, or ice cream, and you ignored it. He'd come down to the lab, your door alarm beeping that he was here, and you ignored it. Being a prisoner was okay for a little while, you thought. You didn't need to see his face and be reminded of that kiss. No, your dreams were doing that for you. You were having enough cool showers without even seeing his face.

What you needed was an hour punching a sandbag.

A week or so after your last encounter, you waited until midnight, then quietly left the lab. The alarms had been turned off recently, because Tony was under the impression that you went everywhere with Bucky. Well, you chuckled to yourself, not tonight.

You headed down to the gym, peeking into the giant room before noting there was nobody there, and went over to the sandbags. There was one already hung up, which was great for you because you didn't think you'd be strong enough to put it up yourself.

Right, you thought, here it goes. Punch out the stress.

Okay, was Bucky hot enough that your body reacted to him? Sure. And had you previously participated vaguely in some aspects of the BDSM lifestyle? Of course. And it was probably fair to say that you found it hard to get turned on when you didn't have that dynamic. But actually liking Bucky? Him being the Dom? In charge of you? No. Could never happen.

Although you did get a rush of enjoyment whenever you saw that jaw clench. And the way he'd whispered in your ear last week made your body feel like jelly.

You punched harder.

You got through 15 minutes of straight punching when you heard the squeak of trainers from beside you. You froze, and looked over.

"Oh for fuck's sake." You groaned. "Will you just leave me alone?"

You really didn't need this, not when you had so much pent up frustration that you needed to get out.

"Aww, is the princess feeling extra princess-y today?" Bucky teased as he waltzed in.

"Just trying to punch something because I wasn't allowed last time." You said through gritted teeth, turning your attention back to the bag and hitting it again.

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