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You stumbled to the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face, then leaned on the sink, staring down, trying to work out what the fuck your brain just did.

A dream about Bucky? A dream about kissing Bucky? What in the flying fuck?

It had to have been the alcohol from the party. The alcohol made your brain weird, then your little showdown with him in the hallway meant that your dream just tried to put two very odd trains of thought together.

Thinking Bucky was hot? No chance.

Although there was an odd throb below your stomach that you were trying to ignore.

It had probably all happened because it’s been so long since you’ve been with anyone. Your body was just trying to get whatever it could from your completely fictional dreams. That’s all it was, and that’s all it was ever going to be.

You decided to just have a shower and get started on your day, seeing as you weren’t really in the mindset to risk going back to sleep. You stood under the water, trying desperately not to think about your dream again, but your brain wanted to make you suffer, because it kept flashing images of Bucky kissing you, and your fingers kept tingling.

You stomped into your room after your shower, huffed your way through getting dressed, and stomped to the lab to get an early start on your work. As you stormed through, you noticed the clock was displaying a bright ‘8.42am’. Great, that meant you had at least 4 hours to yourself until Tony would wake up, going by his usual after party pattern.

You were wrong - Tony didn’t wake up until 2pm.

By that time, you had already ‘fixed’ DUM-E, already gone through the list of things that Tony wanted adding to the Mark 42 suit, and had actually started working on some new blasting arrows for Clint. You had a soft spot for the guy (even though you had never met), because you felt bad that he was trying to keep up with a band of super assassins, super soldiers, and super powered people. So, you tried to give him a helping hand when you could, and Tony always took the credit, as usual.

“Ughh I feel like death.” Tony groaned as he walked through the lab over to you. You didn’t even look up.

“There’s coffee on the side, you need to warm it up though.”

“Thanks kid.” He yawned as he ruffled your hair. “Great party. So many people came, they all had a great time,” He continued, shoving his coffee in the microwave. “Almost ran out of booze, they were having that much of a good time. Especially the gin.”

Your heart skipped the tiniest beat.

“Really, gin? Hardly surprising, everyone drinks that these days.”

“Hmm that’s what I thought as well.” Came Tony’s voice. You chanced a look at him. He was looking at you weird. “Turns out, there was someone earlier in the night that ordered quite a lot of gin for themselves.”

“Well, hopefully that person isn’t vomiting today.” You laughed, trying to join in the banter, but knowing very well that this was erring on a side of conversation that you didn’t want to have. After all, you had a lot of gin last night.

“I don’t think they would be. Ordering the amount of gin they did, it would have to be someone that ...handles alcohol very well.” The microwaved beeped, but Tony made no move to get it.

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