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The team turned back to the window, staring in shock at you and Nick.

"No, no, that's ridiculous." Tony scoffed, shaking his head. "There is no way that-"

Tony was cut off by Nick yelling, and they all saw the sparks flying off the table that you now had your hands on.

"Answer me Nick. How. Did. You. Know." You growled at him as he stood up quickly, rubbing his hands where your shocks had hit him.

"Luka you are acting crazy! We've known each for so long-"

"Yes, Nick, we have. An incredibly long time. And do you know what, the more that I've been thinking about all the time we've spent together, the more holes I keep finding in your stories. You knew I was related to Tony before I told you, before my outburst, before he came to save me, didn't you?"

" was...years ago and-"

"And do you know what else?" You continued, ignoring his lame stuttering. "I realised that every time you came to visit, shortly after, we would get a threat, or someone trying to attack us. I never put two and two together until this week." You walked around the table towards him. He backed up. "You were the leak. You're working with Hydra."

Nick didn't respond. You clenched your hands and felt your powers drawing in your fingers.

"I don't know what you are talking about, has that super assassin been putting ideas in your head?"

You didn't answer his question, and instead, you threw a hand out, white streaks of your power flying towards him. He covered his head and ducked to the floor.

"Okay fine! I knew, I knew the whole time! But I'm not working with Hydra, and I didn't leak anything!"

"LIAR!" You shouted, getting even more angry and throwing your hands up again, a thicker tendril cracking right above his head.

"You think I would do that? After everything?" He said, his face screaming innocence and shock that you would even suggest this to him. But you knew. Deep down, you knew.

"Everything in this room is connected by steel rods. The table and chairs are both metal. The frame on the window and the door is metal. Do you really, really want to risk it Nick?" You snarled, fully aware that the veins in your arms were lighting up as the feelings of betrayal coursed through you. He cowered against the wall, and you stepped closer, the air crackling around you.

He flinched and held his hands up in surrender.

"OKAY! Okay!" He yelled, squeezing his eyes shut. "Luka stop, let's just talk about this-"

You yelled in anger, throwing your hands forward, your powers shooting from you, slamming him into the wall, ropes of electrical powers wrapping around his legs and wrists and pinning him in place. He struggled against it, the heat from your restraints sizzling against his clothes.

"You have about 2 minutes before those start burning into your skin. Spill it." You spat. He decided to laugh.

"14 years, 14 years you suspected nothing, and now what? You get a new supersoldier boyfriend and the suspicions appear out of thin air?"

"No." You reached into your pocket and pulled out the USB, holding it up for him to see. "I gave this to you when you went to Navy training. Put all your favourite films on it. See this?" You turned it over. "Remember how I scratched in a little lightning bolt, so you always had me with you?" Nick's smirky grin fell. "Guess you didn't remember, because this is how I knew it was you that bugged the briefing room." You tossed the usb on the floor, and stepped closer, your face right up in his, the fury seeping from you. "We didn't meet by chance, did we?" You asked.

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