Her nails

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You just got out of the shower with Bella. She steps behind you and  kisses your neck, both of you still naked. You lean back against her, humming softly.

She wants to wrap her arms about you but accidentally scratches you with her long nails, leaving a cut. You hiss and she looks confused at first until she sees the cut. "Oh uhm shit I- i didn't mean to hurt you i-" She starts to panic "Bella it's fine, just a small cut nothing that's not gone in two days." You try to reassure her but she looks aside. You make her look at you, seeing panic in her eyes. "I'm alright really."

You get ready for bed and when she lies down next to you, you wanted to wrap your arms around her but she turns away. "Hey what's wrong? Do I annoy you?" She shakes her head. "No but i don't want to hurt you anymore!" She pouts out. "Bella you didn't shot me it was just a small cut. I don't even feel it anymore. And now I want cuddles." She hugs you but still she was very careful....

The next day she was distant to you, you tried to tell her that it wasn't that bad but she didn't want to listen to you and kept her distance. You were in the kitchen making dinner when she walks in, fiddling with her fingers. "What's wrong Baby?" "Uhm" she looks to the ground.

You've never seen her like this, the shy side of Bella. "Can you help me?" "With what?" She takes your hands, looking at your nails. "Your nails look always so beautiful. Can you do mine too?" She asks shy. "Because mine are so long and I already hurt you but I never wanted to hurt you and I'm sorry for that." You hug her. "I already told you it's alright and of course I can do yours."

A smile flashes over her lips. You quickly run upstairs grabbing your nail equipment and then back to her. You cut and rasp her nails until they weren't as long and sharp as before.(Please don't judge me I'm not good with all the nail thing)
"Okay Bella which colour do you want?" She looks at you a bit confused. "I mean for the nail polish look mine are dark green so which do you want?" Black of course...what a question" she laughs. You carefully put the nail polish on, trying that nothing is going aside. "Okay done baby." She looks at her nails and her face lights up like from a 5 year old child on christmas. She stands up and hugs you.

"Be careful Bella it's still wet." She smirks and raises an eyebrow."Oh really?" "Wha- no not me Bella the polish ugh!"

She giggles, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "Thank you anyways they look so good. I've never had that." "I'm glad you like it and you can always ask me don't forget!" She grins and looks at her nails and admires them for what feels like an eternity while you walk back in the kitchen, continuing to make dinner.

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