Fears and flashbacks

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!Fear of stormes!Panic Attack!

You have been falling asleep in the arms of your love Rose.

You haven't been together for a long time, only for three months. You both are helping Debbie with her plan and you dated already before that. You fell head over heels for her just as she did and you already couldn't without her.

You feel safe with her the same as she does with you.

A loud thunder wakes you up. You sit in bed and look towards the window, seeing it was storming outside. The spot beside you was empty and cold, Rose was probably in the bathroom or getting something to drink.

You look at your clock and see it was two in the night.

Standing up, you walk over to the window and look outside where it was raining as hell.

Suddenly you hear a loud sob. You look around the room but there was no one.

The bathroom

You opened the door to the bathroom and saw Rose on the floor leaned back against the wall, her breath was heavy and tears streamed down her face.

You've never seen her like this. She once said that she doesn't like storms but you never thought that it was this hard.

You kneel down infront of her. "Hey Rosie" her head snaps up by your voice but her breath is still heavy. "My b-breath Y/n I- i can't b- b- breathe"

"Hey honey look into my eyes okay? Look deep into them..." She stares into your eyes, she's at a loss of air. You cup her face with your hands.

"I'm here now and we'll get through this okay? I'm gonna protect you" She grabs your hands to put them away from her face then squeezes them hard. Tears still escaping her eyes as she catches for air.

"Honey count to ten and try to take a deep breath between the numbers. I'm gonna count with you yeah?" She nods.

"O-one" you inhale and exhale deeply, she tries to do the same. "Two" again you take a deep breath as well as she does.

At number seven her breath was back to normal again but she was still crying. The rain bangs against the window making her scared.

You sit down in front of her and she crawls on your lap, sobbing into your neck. "here" you hand her your bracelett. She takes it and plays and fiddles with it until she is completely relaxed.

"Are you alright, I heard something and-" Amita walks in. "Rose are you okay?" You press your lips together and nod.

"Yeah Rose didn't feel good and I-" "I had a panic attack" Rose interrupts you with still a shaky voice.

"Oh uhm can I do anything for you?" "No we're fine but thanks anyway. I'll talk to you in the morning" She nods and walks out again.

"Rose I didn't know if I should tell her but if you're fine with it." She nods.

A loud thunder makes her jump in your arms and tears well up in her eyes again. "It's okay I'm here" You try to comfort her as good as you can. Then you get an idea.

"Remember how you told me you love me?" You both let out a small giggle.


You and Rose were in a bar with some of your friends. Nearly all of them knew you were in love with each other and always tried to get you out on dates. It was a great evening but not perfect cause one thing was still missing and that was Rose.

She said she was coming a bit later and you couldn't wait for her to arrive.

"Hi Y/n" a soft voice says behind you. You turn around and see Rose standing there with her cute flower blouse and a black jeans, light make up on her face and her blond, curly hair down.

How can you not fall for her even more

"Hi honey, you look great." "You too." She gives you a hug before she goes to greet the others.

"I swear if you two don't get in a relationship soon I'm gonna force you both into one..." You turn around and see your best friend Jaclyn smirking at you. You only shrug your shoulders and walk away.

In these situations it's better to say nothing back to her.

Timeskip about two hours later

Nearly all of you were drunk. Rose extremly, some people already had gone home. It was you, Rose and Jaclyn right now at the bar. The rest was somewhere else. You were only tipsy since you never drank that much.

As already said Rose was really drunk and when she's drunk she's really clumsy and tells you things she wanted to keep for herself. She also always told you the thruth no matter about what.

Rose leans over to you and says.

"You know Y/n has no idea I'm in love with her" she smirks.

"What wait? You're in love with me?" She shakes her head

"I'm sorry" she leans over to Jaclyn.

"You know Y/n has no idea I'm in love with her"

That was it for you

You turn Rose around and kiss her. 

Jaclyn cheers and also some of the others who just came from the dance floor for a drink.


"Come Rose I'm gonna bring you home. We talk about this tomorrow"

You excuse yourself and bring Rose to your car, driving her home safely.......

End of flashback

You both smile at the memory of this moment. The storm has gotten a bit better by now. "Are you feeling better now?" She nods and kisses your cheek.

You help her up and back into the bed. You pull off your both shirts so that you were only left in your panties. You know that skin to skin always calms her down.

You open your arms for her and she crawls in after giving you a quick kiss. "Thank you for helping me. I love you so much..." You pull her closer.

"I love you too. And now you should try to get some more sleep. Don't worry I'm here with you, nothing is going to harm you."

She nods and soon falls asleep while you stroke her hair.

You promised her you would always be there for her and you kept this promise.

She was your love and you would do everything to keep her safe.

And you always did, you always helped her through every attack, you always stayed with her.


Okay it's just a short one but I hope it's good enough

Isn't Rose just too cute for everything?🥺

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