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Requested by @fafafafa14

I hope it's okay

You were staring at a photo of you, Bellatrix and Red, hugging and giving each other cheek kisses.

Your eyes filled with tears, remembering back on that time. Her laugh filled your thougts and you started to cry.

"Honey..." a soft voice says behind you. You turn around and see Red standing there with also teary eyes. "I know you miss her. I do too." You turn back around.

Your look outside into your garden, where your son was playing with one of his friends when you feel two arms wrap around your waist, resting on your belly.

"It's just so lonely here without her..." Red kisses your cheek but you feel the wetness of her tears on your side. "I loved her so much..." That was the point where you couldn't take it anymore, you fall backwards and break down in tears. Red holds you close to her while you sob onto her chest.

"It much." "I know Darling" she kisses your head. "I know. I feel the same pain." You hug her tighter. "I want her back. We need her." She nods. "But we can't change it. It's been three years without her today....I- i had to accept it and you have too. Altough it hurts." "I can't. I can't!" You cry out.

"No matter what happens I'll be here for you." She rocks you back and forth. "Come back..." You whispered

"COME BACK!" You scream out, your voice cracking, full of pain. Red pulls you back to her, holding you tight into her arms, so you couldn't move. Her hand was stroking your cheek while pressing you against her chest. Her other arm around your waist to hold you in place. She soothes you and whispers calming words into your ear.

You were glad that the boys were outside so thy couldn't see you in this state but hell did you know you were watched.....

Timeskip this evening

The day was a very depressing day for Red and you. Josh(your son) was playing with Liam(his friend) all the time so you and Red luckily had more time together.

Right now you, Liam and Josh were walking to Liam's home. Once arrived, you knock on the wooden front door. "Hi Y/n" Susan, Liam's mother and a good friend of you greets you. "Hi Josh, hi honey." She hugs Liam.

"Boys you can play for a few minutes upstairs, I need to talk to Y/n but if we call you, you come down immediately okay?" They nod and then quickly run upstairs.

"What's wrong?" You sit down on the kitchen table. "How are you?" You look a bit confused. "I know what today is..." "Oh uhm..." You tear up again. "Hey" She hugs you. "I'm sorry for bringing this up I shouldn't-"

"No it's fine. It's just so hard to accept." "I understand. What about Red?" You sigh

"She's tries to be there for me which is okay but I can see how she's breaking inside. She always talks about accepting it but I know that she also hasn't."

"Okay you wanna talk about it?" You shake your head. "We just miss her so, so much. Josh also does, everytime he sees a picture of her it''s nothing without her." She squeezes your hand. "I'm so sorry, just tell me if I can do anything for you."

"I will." "Other question: How are the babies?" You smile softly. "Oh they're fine but I just wish that I could have them under other conditions: With Bella and not because of ...him."

"it's hard knowing how you got them. I know what I'm talking about...." You nod, a tear slipping down your face. "But it's fine. I have Red, Josh and a therapy I just wish Bella would've been there for me too." Susan nods.

"Oh" you say, looking at the clock on the wall. "We should go it's late." "Uhm yeah" You both stand up and call for the boys. A few moments after they come running down. "Alright honey time to go." The two boys hug each other and you hug Susan, then Josh takes your hand. "Bye!"
"Bye see you soon!"

The walk through the forest was beautiful and relaxing as always but still something felt different. Maybe it was because of the constant thougt of Bella...

You lived right on the edge of a little forest

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You lived right on the edge of a little forest. It was a really beautiful but also very big house. You loved it but it still felt much bigger without Bella.

You were deep in your thoughts when Josh yelled. "Mommsy!" You look down at him. "What?"

"Mommsy!" He pointed with his finger towards a tree but you didn't see anything. "Honey Mommsy isn't there. Mommsy's away, forgot?" He bit his lip and you continued to walk towards the house.

"Mummy? When will Mommsy come back?" You suddenly felt watched, you looked around but saw no one. Then something cracked. "Uhm honey come here." You picked him up and walked to the house in fast steps.

You quickly locked the door behind you. "There you are! What took you so long?" She gives you a quick kiss. "Talking to Susan..." Red gives Josh a kiss. "Hello Bunny." "Hi Mama." "I'll just quickly bring him into bed." Red nods. "Night Bunny." "Night!"

You walked upstairs with Josh. "Time to get ready for bed my honeybear." Josh gets ready for bed and you read him two goodnight stories before he falls asleep but before he does, he kisses your belly. You smile, stroke his hair and then walk downstairs after getting into some comfortable clothes.

You fall onto the couch and into Red's arms. "Darling you okay?" You shake your head.

"While we were walking through the forest he suddenly yelled "Mommsy!" and then I felt watched...I don't know it felt strange. I even locked the door cause I was scared that someone was really watching me." She kisses your head.

"What if it was really her?" You sit up

"Now? No! She dissapeard, she left three years ago we-" You stand up with tears already in your eyes. "We don't even know if she's still alive." Red takes your hands. "Yeah you're right but-"
a knock on the door interrupts her.

"I'll go." You nod and walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water while Red walks to the door.

You hear the door unlocking and open and someone cry? Was it Red?

You get corious and walk around the corner. What you see causes your glass to fall on the floor.....


Part 2 will come soon

I hope it's good so far

And pls send me ideas if you have some cause I'm running out of them haha

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