Broken Beauty

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This is enemies to lovers and was requested from helenassgff

Back info: This plays around 1987, Y/n is the same age as Bellatrix, both are deatheaters, her husband died in the first war, the storyline with Voldemort is the same as in the books/movies (he's not there right now after he tried to kill Harry as a baby)

i'm writing this to the songs of Carol so it can be passionate.

I hope you like it

Tw: Smut


Standing there in the big hall, with the dark red and black dress hugging your body, you felt lonely, despite all the people attending the ball at the Malfoy manor. You stood around in the corner watching everybody's actions. Most of the guests were dancing, the others standing around and talking.

You walk over to the buffet table, getting yourself another glass of wine, when Narcissa walks up to you

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You walk over to the buffet table, getting yourself another glass of wine, when Narcissa walks up to you. "Hi Dear, why are you standing there all alone?" You grin. "Sometimes I enjoy not having company, especially when there's mostly men." Narcissa chuckles. "I completely agree. Still, I'll go find Lucius now, he promised me a dance." You smile at her before also wandering around the room.
Finding a small couch, you sit down and enjoy the music playing. You look around the room, trying to find someone to talk to, but everyone was either dancing or already having a conversation. Then your eyes land on the last person you wanted to see right now. Bellatrix.
You roll your eyes the moment she grins at you. She strolls through the hall, into your direction. People moving all around her made it hard for you to see her dress, but once there was a little bit of room, your breath hitched.
The black dress was made for her, tight around the waist, wide with a slit on the legs and the arms covered in softly flowing tulle.

Bellatrix came closer and closer, but with all the people dancing in her way, it was a bit of work

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Bellatrix came closer and closer, but with all the people dancing in her way, it was a bit of work. You used that time to scramble off the couch, grabbing your dress on the bottom to make walking easier. You see the open door to the balcony behind you and rush outside and right around the corner. You watch her walking past the balcony and breath out, knowing that you now have a few minutes of peace. You look over the big garden of the manor.
A shiver ran down your body at the soft breeze of wind, causing you to wrap your arms around yourself.
"Cold?" A raspy voice was heard right behind you. You flinch a littly. Truning around, you found Bellatrix standing there with a mischievous grin. "What do you want?"
"What? Can't I even talk to you?"
"Honestly, after 25 years of knowing each other, you could've noticed that I don't really enjoy your company. But I guess your brain's just a little to small for this." She grits her teeth and you laugh.
"Well at least I don't walk around like a slut with my boobs all on display just because I'm so desperate for men's attention." The other witch looks down at your cleavage and your cheeks burn hot at this. "Believe me, the last attention I from men."

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