Feeling down

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This is for all of you who had a bad day or incase you'll have a bad day I hope reading this will help you.

You close the door behind you and sigh on your way into the living room. Your bag lands somewhere in the hallway but you didn't really care.

Flopping down on the couch the tears escape your eyes. You let them fall free until you're at a loss of tears and energy.

You didn't know how long you cried or when you fell asleep but the sleep was definitely something your body needed.
You feel a hand stroking your head and your cheek as you slowly wake up again.

It was Margot. After she came home, she saw your bag on the floor and when she walked into the living room she saw you on the couch with puffy, red eyes. Her heart broke and she walked over to you. She decided to let you sleep at first and cook something for Dinner.

As you open your eyes you see Margot with a worried expression.
"Hi..." she whispers. You blink a few times and slowly sit up. "When did you come home?" "An hour ago but I wanted to let you sleep. You're body needs it." You sigh and give her a quick kiss.

"I made some pasta. Are you hungry?" "Yes- no I-" You squeeze your eyes for a moment when you feel the tears brimming in your eyes again. "Darling...?" She touches your arm and squeezes it a bit. You try to fight your tears and the feelings back but end up failing it.
You look into Margot's eyes before you start crying again. You get pulled in her arms and start sobbing into her neck.
"Oh my Darling girl" she whispers while rubbing your back.
"My Baby" she mumbles more to herself than to you. Her hand caresses your cheek while she kisses your forehead.

She lets you cry onto her all the time soothing you and holding you close to her. When she noticed that you calmed down a bit she pulls back slightly and wipes away your tears. "I'm sorry that I- that I haven't cooked yet I know I'm always making some Dinner before you come home but I-" She stroke your cheek again.

"Don't worry Darling. It's fine. I just don't want you to overwork yourself." She kisses your cheeks.
You lean in her touch. "Are you feeling a bit better?" "I don't know I just-" You let a few tears fall down again.
"Hey you don't have to tell me if you're not ready. Let's eat first okay? You want some pasta?"
You nod. "But not much I'm not that hungry." She helps you up. "It's okay Darling." You walk over to the table and sit down.
"I love this, it's so much better than mine" you admit after taking a bite. "Don't say that. I love your cooking." You blush a bit and continue eating.
After half of the plate you stop. "I'm sorry it's delicious but I'm not hungry anymore." "No it's okay...really." She starts putting the dishes in the dishwasher and you lay down on the couch again, curling up like a ball.
When Margot was done she sits down next to you, rubbing your arm and your side. You look up and lay your head in her lap.

She plays with your hair. "Did something happen today? At work?" She asks concerned.
You shake your head and sob.
"I just had a bad day." You start crying. "I don't have any energie today and didn't have the last days. I feel so down."

"Come here" she opens her arms and pulls you in for a tight hug. Your legs on hers your arms tightly wrapped around her waist, your head in the crock of her neck, her hand slowly running up and down your back while the other caresses your legs."I feel like I'm useless"
"No Darling no. You're not useless. I love you okay?"
She kisses you softly. "I'm here okay, I'm here..."
You cry into her neck.
"Sh sh sh. Let it all out." You grabbed her waist again. "Honey?"
"Mhm?" "Look at me." You look up and feel her wiping your tears.
"I know how you feel and it's okay to feel down but I want you to know that I love you so much and that you're perfect. In any way. And please if you feel bad the next time, tell me immediately. I only want to be there for you." You nod and hug her again.

"Thank you" she kisses your forehead and takes a blanket which she pulls over the both of you. "I love you..." you whisper.
She hugs you. "I love you too...do you want some tea?"
"No. I just wanna stay here with you." She chuckles. "It's getting late shouldn't we go into bed?" "I don't want to stand up now."
You mumble into the blanket. She suddenly stands up and walks into the bedroom with you around her.
"Hey! Let me down!" "Nope." She throws you on the bed and starts kissing all over your face while you giggle.
"See there's this beautiful, little smile." She laughs and starts tickling you. "Baby, baby stop!" You laugh. "It's always the best thing to see you laugh." She hovers about you and kiss your cheek.
"I tell you: I'm not getting changed now. I'm tired and I want cuddles" you whine and make grabby hands.

"Okay okay" She stands up,pulls the covers over you, lays down under the covers again, opens her arms and as you were inside them she pulled you as close as possible.
"Are you feeling better now?"
"Yes thank you." She kisses your head. "I'll always be there for you Darling." You snuggle closer to her.

"I love you"
was the last thing your heard before you drifted off to sleep.

I hope this helps you also you can always text me if you feel bad. I'm always here for you😌😉

And also I wanted to say something. Since I've got some different requests about chapters with Helena.
I will NOT write any chapters that contain smut with Helena. Only with her characters.
I accept her relationship.
If I write chapters with Helena (which is not often) they will NOT contain smut only fluff.

Okay that's it so far
Have a great day/night

Love you💕

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