Old Friends

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She stares at you for a moment before her eyes widen. "Y/n?" You smirk at her. "Hello Susan, missed me?" You hug her before you walk past her in the apartment.

"What are you doing here or better what do you want?" You sit on a chair. "Don't be so rude I just...missed you and wanted to give you a visit."

About three years ago you got to know Susan and you became friends soon. After some months you were more like fuck buddies. Well for you you both were fuck buddies but she was the one who fell in love with you.

"As if you would come to 'visit' me..." You shrug your shoulders. "So what do you want here?" You knew she was pissed because you just left without a warning back then.

"I'm here because of work and since you already live here why shouldn't I visit you. Also I wanted to ask you if I could stay here for a while.....?"

"Yeah and then just disappear again or what?" She snaps. You sigh.

"Look Susan I know it wasn't the best that I just left but I had my reasons." She looks away for a moment.

"What were you doing the last two years?" She asks "Well I moved to San Francisco got a good paid job and well not much more..." You shrug your shoulders.

She nods. "What about you?" "What can I tell you? Just the same as then..."

"You're right you're still as hot as then" Her head snaps up, her eyes lock with yours. You can see the hurt in her eyes. You knew she fell for you but you had to leave.

"Soooo can I stay here for a while?" She overthinks before answering."Yeah fine." "Okay thank you, you're the best."

An hour later

"Hey what if we go into the bar we always used to go tonight?"

"I don't know I'm not really in the mood for drinking."

"Well I am so I'm gonna take a shower and get ready then we can go and if you don't want to I go alone!" You state.

"Still as stubborn as once..." She giggles as you walk away to take a shower.

You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your body. Just then Susan walks in. "Oh uhm I'm sorry!" She turns around but you grab her hand.

"It's fine I don't mind not that you haven't seen it all already..." You smirk at her before you turn around and dry your body in front of her, teasing her on purpose

Before you walk out you pull her in for a passionate kiss. You leave her standing there with an open mouth and just continue to get ready.

"Okay I'm ready now are you coming with me or are you staying here?"

She grabs her car keys and walks out without saying anything.

"Guess that means you're coming with me!" You yell after her before following her to the car. You sit on the passengers seat. She stares at you for a moment before driving off.

Once you arrive at the bar you go straight to ordering drinks. "Two tequila shots please" you say to the bartender. "Only two...you always ordered at least 4 at first" Susan laughs.

"Yeah but I'm not planning on getting drunk I'm planning on having fun" you whisper into her ear. "Oh no Y/n you're not doing the same to me." You shrug your shoulders. "We'll see"

The next two hours you spent on talking about the last two years and drinking. You flirt with her nearly all the time, sometimes she would smirk, sometimes ignore it.

It was 10PM now and the bar got crowded. Neither you nor Susan were really drunk just like back then. You drank much but never really got drunk. "Y/n can we go back please I feel uncomfortable...." That was something new.

"Why what happened?" She sighs "Some guy was harassing me. No big deal but can we please go?"

"Who was it?" You ask through gritted teeth. "Y/n please leave it be I just wanna go..." "Fine" You clench your fists as she sees this she takes your hand in hers and walks out.

Back in the car you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding all the way out. "Thanks"

She starts the car. You put your hand on her tigh and feel her tense under your touch. You keep on stroking her tigh and smirk at how her body reacts. You hand slides higher and to the zipper of her shorts.

Suddenly she drives sharp left into a dark side street.

"What is this all about Y/n? Are you trying to get near me again, fuck me again then leave me and then come back like nothing happened? I needed nearly two years to get over you. TWO FUCKING YEARS!" She tears up.

"And still I never stopped thinking about you because I fucking loved you and I think I still do but it's all only a game for you, you don't understand this...." She cries hard by now.

"Susan I-" "NO! No don't say anything. Don't tell me the same lies you did once. Dont make me believe them again, I can't handle it if I believe them and you leave me again." Tears stream down her face and her mascara was smudged over her face. She was breathing heavily

"Let me explain-"

"There's nothing to explain I should've never let you live with me again I-"


Both of you crying by now. She looks up at you before she breaks down in tears. You pull her over onto your lap. "But why did you go?" She sobs.

"I got my dream job in San Fransisco. I had to leave and I left you because I knew that I had to work so much that I probably would never really have time for you and I was right. A relationship woudn't have last long if I was never there. But I never stopped loving you, after some months you were more like a good fuck for me..." 

You lean in and kiss her lovingly, not like all the other kisses with lust and desire. This one was filled only with love.

"Believe me now?" She nods when she hugs you tight. "Please don't leave me, please..."

"I'm not leaving you again but I have to go back in two weeks, you can come with me, move in with me but you need to get used by me working often. I probably only have the weekends off."

She shakes her head. "I don't care I just wanna be with you" 

With that she kisses you again.

And you kept your promise. You never left her again, she moved in your apartment a month later and never ever left your side again.

Okay that wasn't the best chapter and it's short I know but I'm not feeling so well at the moment. I was very stressed the last week so I couldn't update or write something.

Also I'm working on part 2 of Picnic, it'll come soon.

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