I'm sorry

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George's POV

It was soon 6:30 pm and I knew Y/n would be home in less than an hour, she worked hard and long the last few weeks and I barely saw her, we didn't really have time for each other also she didn't have much time for the boys.

When she came home she always went straight into bed and when I woke up she was already at work.

But today I wanted an evening just for the two of us. The boys weren't home. I made my way into the kitchen and started to make Y/f/f (your favourite food) which I know she loves. I just set the food on the table when I heard the front door open.

Your POV

You finally made your way home, the last weeks you barely slept, you worked most of the time. It was hard but you get paid good and you worked really hard to get that job.

You were stressed and frustrated when you arrived home. after slamming the front door you make your way inside when George walks out of the kitchen. "Hi Darling" she leans in to hug you but you block "Not now George" "Come on please I-"

"NO GEORGE! I- stop being always so clingy you're not the only thing in my life I need to care about okay? I have also a job to do!" You scream at her, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry i- nevermind.." She walks away, her voice breaking while speaking. You sit down on the stairs and sigh once you realise what you've said to her, immediately you regret it and feel bad. You walk to the bathroom and knock on the door.

"Honey it's me can I..can I come in?" You get no answer so you just open the door and see her sitting on the bathtub, crying.

Your heart breaks at this sight. You rush over, kneeling in front of her, your hands on her knees. "Go away please." she sobs. "No listen Honey I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream at you I-" You sigh taking her hands in yours.

"I was so stressed the last weeks and I'm sorry that I didn't have time for you." She looks at you with teary eyes.
"I'm so, so sorry for what I've said to you I didn't mean it. I love you. I love you so much."

Your hands cup her face as you press a soft kiss to her forehead.

"A-am I really clingy? Do I annoy you?" You shake your head and pull her in your arms for a tight hug. "of course not. I don't know why I said this to you. You aren't clingy or something..you're the most lovable person I know." She crawls in your lap and leans aginst your chest, her arms wrapped around you.

"I made dinner..Y/f/f it's only us today." "That's great honey thank you." You carry her around and let her down on her chair on the table. You sit down opposite her, moaning as you take a bite. "It's delicious." She giggles and you continue to eat.

Once you were done you place the dirty dishes in the sink.

Then you pick George up and walk to the bedroom. You cuddle her in bed. Her head on your chest. "I love you and again I'm so sorry" You kiss all over her face. "It's fine I know how stressed you are at the moment." "Yeah but still it's no reason for me to scream at you. You don'deserve this."

She wraps her arms around your waist. "Don't worry it's really fine..but you should sleep now." You nod. "Oh and by the way I have a week off next month, we could visit my parents with the boys if you want?" "I'm glad and yes of course we can."

You kiss her softly and pull her closer before you both fall asleep.

I hope you liked it and I wanted to thank you for over 3k reads.

You're the best!

Love you

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