Its okay to be weak

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Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for all of the nice comments, all of the votes and reads and for your support.

I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you like my stories.

I'm grateful for everything I have here so thank you again, it really means a lot to me

Now enjoy😉

You were sitting on the couch, watching some TV when you hear the front door getting opened and you knew your girlfriend Sheila was home. You were always happy to see her again after a long day of work.
"Hi my love how was your day?" You ask looking over at her when she walks in the room.
She didn't answer you, not even looking at you and you instantly knew that she had a bad day.

It was often like that. When she was stressed or frustrated from work, she came home and didn't speak to you. It was weird at first but now you were used to it. You understood that she needs time for herself in this situations and were willing to give it to her. It didn't mean that she was ignoring you, she just needs time to calm down by herself.
You would usually fall asleep and after that she would come to bed or she'd sleep on the couch. Because she knew that she'd let out her frustration on you and she didn't want to hurt you.
The next morning/day you both were good again, forgetting about the last evening.

"I've made Dinner. It's in the kitchen. If you need anything, I'll be in our bedroom." You tell her before walking up the stairs.
You sigh to yourself, knowing how bad she must be feeling. You loved your job and you knew she did love hers but even if you had a bad day, you could always go to her. She would lighten up your sky again.

You switch on the lamp and pull your book out of the nightstand.
Then you lean against the bed frame and start reading.
The book was a gift from Sheila to your one year anniversary.
You read it together with her once, you loved her reading to you and she loved you reading to her while laying on or next to you. You had often spend your weekends or free days just like that, cuddled up and reading to each other. It was one of your favourite things to do.

After some time you see Sheila walking in the room. You look up at her, expecting her to get other clothes or something else but she didn't.
She crawls on the bed and on top of you, wrapping her arms tight around you and hiding her face in your chest.
You were surprised. Never in one and a half years had she been coming to you after a hard day at work. You were always going to her, crying your soul out, breaking down and she was there for you. But it was never the other way round.
Sheila was always the stronger more independent person in your relationship. Of course she had soft stops and breaking points but still you never experienced this.

You hold her tight against your chest, your hands on her waist and head, softly stroking it.
"You wanna talk?" She looks up at you with a frustrated, sad and tired face. She sits up, facing you.

"Those are all just idiots I work with. Especially my bosses. They don't understand that I'm also human and have my limits. But that's not the problem, I've done most of my work I have to do for the week. The problem is that my mind has been racing the last days. I was thinking about things I never thought about before and now I'm worrying about everything. But I- i don't want to break down. I-"

You cup her face and kiss her tears away.

"It's fine okay? Just remember how often I've broken down in your arms. How long I've been crying..."
More tears escape her eyes.
"And how you were always there for me. You've always comforted me, told me everything is going to be fine. And now I'm doing the same for you.
I know that you've always been the strong one but it's okay to also be weak, to cry, to break down, to have a weak side and especially to show it to me." You rock her in your lap.
"You know that I love you, that I adore you for your strong being but also that I'm always here for you and I'm always ready to comfort you okay my love? And if you want to share your thoughts, I'm all ears."
She nods and you press a soft kiss to her lips.

"Thank you honey. I was just always distancing from you because I didn't want you to see me like this. Weak but I know that you'd never hurt me." Your fingers stroke along her cheekbones and her chin.
"You're so beautiful. Even when you cry." She giggles and you feel butterflies erupting in your stomach. "See? It can't be that bad."
She smiles and looks down at the book.

"Can you read to me?" You nod with a grin and Sheila adjusts her position so she's cuddled up into your side, your arm protectively around her.
You start reading and feel her relaxing in your arms.
After about 20 minutes you notice your tiredness taking over you and look down at Sheila to see her also nearly asleep.
"I think we should sleep now Hm?"
She yawns and nods while you get up to put on more comfortable clothes. You help her put on an oversized shirt and shorts before you both lay down and pull the covers over you both.

You spoon your girlfriend from behind and place soft kisses on her forehead, cheek and neck.
"Remember if you ever feel bad again and are ready to come to me...I'm always here for you. I love you my beautiful Darling." Although you couldn't see her, you knew she was blushing.
"I love you too, good night honey" she whispers, pressing herself more into you and you immediately pull her closer.

Oh how you loved that woman, always good for a surprise but still so manageable. She was your girl and you wouldn't let anything harm her. You would stay with her forever...

Please I need someone like that. An amazing girlfriend😭

But back to the story. Please if you have any requests, wishes, ideas, send them to me cause my head is pretty empty atm and I could use some support.
Thank you!

Love you all<3

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