I know her

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Request from HentaiSAMA568

This story is a bit complicated so just some background info for you:
-It's reader×Iracebeth
-Y/n is a witch(can be from Hogwarts if you want😉)
-She has her own portal to Underland and can come and go whenever she wants
-In this chapter, she will be in Underland the whole time

Now enjoy!

"Y/n there you are!" Alice runs towards you.
"We've been looking for you in the whole castle." She hugs you.
"Sorry I- i took a walk."
"Are you okay?" She cups your face and you nod.
"It's fine. I'm just a little tired, might go take a nap now." The blonde gives you a reassuring smile before you turn away from her and walk into the castle, seeking the comfort of your room.

You let yourself fall down onto the silk sheets and let the sleep summon you.
A soft knock on your door causes you to slowly wake up.
"Yes?" You answer quietly with a groggy voice.
"Hey it's me." A soft voice spoke that could only belong to a certain sweet, snow white haired woman.
"Hi Mirana" you mumble and gesture to your bed for her to sit.
She gives you a pity look.
"Alice told me you didn't feel well so I wanted to ask what's going on..."

Tired, you look at the clock and see that you've been sleeping for 5 hours and that it's already dark outside.
"No I'm absolutely fine. I was really just tired."
She tilts her head.
"I don't believe you. Now please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried and maybe, I can help you."
You sigh.
"Do we really have to fight against your sister?" The mentioning of a certain red haired woman made her stiffen.
"What do you mean?"
"Like isn't there another solution?"
Mirana shakes her head. "No, the oraculum foresees a war. Between red and white, between me and my sister, between good and bad-"

"But how do you know that your sister is bad!?" You yell a little to loud, what made her even more curious.
"Y/n what's going on with you? Why are you acting like this?"
"It doesn't matter." You shrug.
"How do you know?" "Because of her actions Y/n."

"But how do you know that she hasn't changed or that she regrets it or something?"

"What do you know that I don't?"
"It's nothing I just thought that maybe-"
"You've been with her haven't you? Those days where you weren't here you were in her castle?" You nod, tears in your eyes.
"Oh Y/n. Why?"

"Because- I don't know. While coming here, I was thinking about her and her actions and suddenly, I was in her castle. Like I got there by accident."
"Still you stayed there over days. Were you there every day, that you weren't here." Your head hangs low in shame.
"How long?"
"3 months."
"You've been going there over months and couldn't tell me?"

"No, I was scared."
"I understand." You look up, now crying.
"Will she die? In the battle?"
Mirana presses her lips together.

"I'm sorry but I don't know. If Alice really kills the Jabberwocky, we win but then I don't know what will happen." You nod and Mirana gets your message of you not answering, so she walks out again.

Quickly you sit up, thinking about the red castle while swinging your wand so a portal appeared.
You walk through it and find yourself in her throne room.
"Y/n?!" The red haired stands up from her throne to run towards you, while signalling everyone to leave you two alone.

"I missed you" she pulled you in her arms and you start crying while hugging her tight, afraid that she might disappear.
"Oh my sweet girl" she strokes your hair while planting kisses on your head.
"I tried- tried talking to your sister. She said that you two have to fight, but she doesn't know what will happen, if she wins." You sob.
"I don't want to loose you."
"You won't Darling. I'll always be by your side. I love you."
You look up and softly kiss her. "I love you too. And I won't let them take you away from me, never..."

Battle day

"Mirana please! Please don't hurt her. Don't let anyone hurt her!" You keeled in front of her, crying.
She crouched down to you.
"Y/n I don't make the rules. I don't know what will happen but I won't kill her."
You sniff and she hugs you.
"You don't know her like I do. Mirana she regrets this all, there once was hate in her heart but now she's lonely and broken not evil. Please. I know her. You might know her for longer but I know her better and she isn't like that anymore."
"Y/n we will go there and we will fight because we have to. And then we'll see.

Time skip after the battle
(I didn't write the battle, hope that's okay)

The red and white soldiers dropped their weapons.
It was over. Alice killed the Jabberwocky. And now you were more scared that you've ever been for Iracebeth. She lost. The red Queen lost.
What now happened to her, was to decide by Mirana.

While she spoke the judgement for Stayne, you stood there terrified, not moving, tears in your eyes that were fixated on your lover.
"Iracebeth of crims,..." You look at Mirana, close to breaking down.
"I felt, no I know that you've changed. You shall be given a second chance. And I know that some of you" she looks around,
"might think I'm crazy for deciding this, but i know my sister and I know that there is still love in her heart. What she has done, was cruel but she wasn't responsible for everything. The biggest damages caused Stayne, those were his ideas, Iracebeth only ordered them and he got, what he deserves."

You cry out in relieve and run to your love and into her arms.
"Thank you" you mouth to Mirana, who winks at you.

"I love you Y/n."

"And I love you Itacebeth, forever and ever..."

I hope that was up to your imagination HentaiSAMA568

If anyone has other requests, just dm me or write a comment.

Have a good day/night!

Love you<3

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