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Yes! I'm still alive!

After two months finally another update.

I'm sorry but I've had too much to do and wasn't mentally feeling good.
I'll try to update more the next weeks<3
Now enjoy!


Waking up by kisses on your neck you smile to yourself, knowing it was Margaret.
"Morning my Love" She whispers.
"What are you doing in my bed?"

"Oh I just thought it's way nicer here with you than alone in my bed." You turn around and give her a sweet kiss. "Yes it is." You smile at her.
"I could get used to wake up like this." Margaret smiles and lays down on your chest.
"Yeah but sadly it's only for 10 days."

Margaret arranged a vacation only for the both of you. Since you were her closest maid and she told everyone she needs time for herself, nobody really asked any questions. Of course they didn't know you've had an affair.
Well it wasn't really an affair anymore. You have true feelings for her, you love her, you just didn't tell her yet. How would that look, a maid and a princess.
Besides she has had many affairs, you probably were just one of them.

You sigh and give her a head kiss.
"We should use them." You nod.
"I wanted to go for a morning swim." You say while slowly sitting up. "You coming with me?"
"No I think I'd rather watch you" She smirks. "Also fine."
You get up, walk over to the closet to get your swimming suit and then change into it.

Once you were done you walked outside but stopped in the doorway. "Are you staying in bed or are you coming to watch me?"
Margaret giggles and runs towards you. "You look hot" you mumble, pecking her lips and then jump in the pool.
The water had a nice temperature, not too warm but also not too cold. "Are you sure you don't want to come in with me? It's not cold." Margaret shakes her head and sits down on the garden chair next to the pool.
You shrug your shoulders and then start swimming and diving, while she was watching you, a cigarette in hand.

After a while you decided it was enough and slowly get out again.
Walking over to Margaret she smirks. "I love that bathing suit on you." She bites her lip.
"You do?" She nods. You cup her face and kiss her passionate. "You're so beautiful with wet hair" she whispers, making you blush.
"You too. With and without wet hair." She shakes her head.
"Oh no. Not anymore, I'm old." She sighs.
"I'm a wreck. I mean look at me... only drinking and smoking. My marriage ruined, my life broken.
I have no one, no one to love me... not like I want them to do. I've lived my life and I'm still not living it very well may I say."
Your heart breaks at these words.
"Don't say that." You cup her face and make her look at you.
"You aren't old or a wreck and for sure not ugly. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. And that your marriage failed isn't only your fault but also Tony's. You were the one trying to safe this marriage, he ruined it.
You deserve so much more than this. More than this life." You kiss her forehead while wiping her tears away.
"I love you Margaret. I really do and if you don't love me back and I'm just another affair then it's okay, just tell me. But I need certainty..." Margaret starts crying even more.

You pull her up from the chair and in your arms. Her head rests on your chest since she was a few inches smaller than you. "It's alright. It's alright Darling." You whisper while rubbing her back.
"I'm sorry. I love you" she mumbles and you feel the weight off of your shoulders, now that you know she also loves you.
"Come on let's get you inside." You help her back inside the house and onto the bed.
Margaret sat down on your lap, clinging to your body. You let her cry onto your chest all the time until she calmed down again.

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