A baby

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Okay so this isn't my idea.
I got it from AHSFAN17

She wrote about the same theme but with Wilhelmina Venable.
You should definitely read her stories they're really good.

You were sitting on your bed, really nervous.
There was one special question always on your mind. Especially today.

How will she react?

You were scared of Bella's reaction to you asking her something.

You want to have a baby. A family, that was your biggest wish.
Of course you and Bellatrix were happy in your marriage but still you felt like something was missing. You never really talked about children, you only knew that she didn't want any because she doesn't really like them. But you knew that she for sure would be a great mother.

After thinking for another few moments you bring yourself to stand up and walk around the house, looking for Bella. You find her in the living room, sitting in an armchair with a cup of tea in her hands. Her beautiful black curls are perfectly laying over her shoulders and her sharp jawline was just gorgeous as always. You take a moment to admire her.
Then her gaze meets yours.
"Hello my Darling" you feel your hands beginning to sweat.
"H-hi Love" You walk over to her. She sets her cup down and pulls you next to her and in her arms. She kisses your cheek. "Are you okay?" She asks stroking your hair.

You hesitate for a moment and feel your breath getting heavy.
How do I tell her now?
"What's wrong hm? You know you can tell me everything..."

"I- uhm" you sigh
"I want to have a baby...with you"
She doesn't give you an answer, she just stares at you and you immediately regret it.
"Why do you want to have a baby?" she asks with a sarcastic laugh and looks at you like you're mad. You feel the tears brimming in your eyes.

"Because I want to have a family with you, because I love you and it's my biggest wish. I know that you're not really impressed by the thought of having children and I always respected this but I can't ignore it any longer." She shakes her head and furrows her eyebrows. "Isn't our life good by how it is now?" You wiggle out of her grip and stand up.

"No! It's not. I've always accepted your wish and you knew that I want children so this was actually all about you the whole time. You did never give me a single chance to explain anything to you and we never talked or discussed about this. But I told you back then that I want children and you just put this conversation aside."

She now also stands up.
"Please calm down." She takes your hands and you take a deep breath.

"But our life is good without children and I-"
"See that's what I mean. You only care about your opinion and not about the way I feel in this situation. You haven't had any experience with children so don't just shut me down!" "No I-"

You walk out of the room without her finishing her sentence. On the way into your bedroom you let your tears fall free.

When Bella walks into the bedroom and sees you on the bed crying, her heart breaks. She sits down next to you in bed. Your back turned to her. Her hand finds your back and gently rubs it.
"I'm sorry." You turn around and see her crying, a sight you haven't seen very often. She starts playing with your hair after you laid your head into her lap. "I'm so sorry" she leans down and kisses your forehead.

"I shouldn't have acted so stupid and stubborn. But you were right: I don't have any experience with children so I don't know how it'll be like." She wipes her tears.
"I guess I'm just scared to be a bad mother. Not that I could actually ever be one or even a good one."

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