Do you even love me?

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I'm sorry for being away for so long but as already said I wasn't feeling really good.

I'm still not at my best but I got my motivation back and this is the most important atm.

Now enjoy!

Tw: Depression, Self harm
(literally me)

You were waiting for your two girlfriends in your house. The both of them were still at work while you were home since you had the day off. You've cooked something since you know that they've had a stressful week.

You heard keys in the door lock. Normally you would be running into the hallway, hugging them and telling them how much you missed them or you would be returning home with them, that depends on your work.
But since about two months you haven't been as close to them as before.
They've been kind of ignoring you.
Like they knew you were there, they talked to you but they didn't really show you affection. They didn't show you their love anymore. They only showed it to each other. You were only a person to talk to when they were bored.

You knew that they were both really stressed because of work.
It often happened that one of you was really stressed and didn't talk to the other two as much as before. But after some time you always had enough time for the others, you helped each other through the stress.
But now it wasn't the same anymore...

"Come on in Darling" you heard Elizabeth say and Rose giggles.
They walk in arm in arm.
"Hi Y/n" you look up. They both give you a quick, one armed hug and sit down to eat.
You stand up, ready to walk upstairs. "Aren't you eating?" You shake your head.
"No I've already eaten" Lie- you couldn't bring yourself to eat anything, it all just felt so unreal.
"Oh okay" You nod and walk upstairs into your shared bedroom.

You lay down in bed and start to cry when you hear them laughing together again.
It had been weeks since you laughed like that with them, weeks since you made the last movie night you normally do every second friday, weeks since you last felt okay.

Either they didn't notice or they just don't care that they're neglecting and leaving you out.
It just fucking hurt.
"I don't know how long I can make this" you mumble.
You sit up and pull down your sleeves. You self harmed in the past and they knew that. They knew that you have depression since your teenage years and they've always helped you through bad times.

They were your rescue once, now they are the reason.

Tears rolled down your face and you start digging your nails into your skin, leaving big and small marks.
(I know that is not the kind of sh everyone knows but still it is sh. It's just not that popular in the internet.)

You feel the pain getting less and less, relieving your mind a bit.
When you looked down again you had a lit of little marks all over your both arms.
You pull your sleeves down again so nobody would notice.
Rose and Elizabeth wouldn't notice anyway but other people.
After two days at the latest the scars would be gone and then it didn't matter but until then you always covered them.

Your heart broke when you heard the favourite song of you three downstairs. You knew that they'd be dancing to it. Without you.
Never ever have two of you danced when the other one wasn't here. It was a thing you only did together.

With tears in your eyes you grab your suitcase from the closet, throw in the most important things and some clothes and then walk downstairs. You saw them dancing, laughing, touching, kissing, hugging. They seemed so happy. Maybe it would really be the best if you leave.
You don't fit in their relationship anymore, you were just a little fun to both of them.
You got to know Rose over Debbie Ocean and the heist.
You were immediately in love with her. But then you found out that she has a girlfriend so you stayed back.
That was until you got to know her girlfriend. Elizabeth. She was also one of the prettiest women you've ever seen.
It took them only three weeks to ask you to be their girlfriend. And of course you said yes.
You three were the perfect couple.
That was over a year ago now.
You thought that nothing could break you three apart but it was them that broke your relationship.

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