Fille de Paris Pt.2

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Okay here's part 2

I hope you like it.

It's been five days since your meeting with Rose in the cafe.
After that you didn't see her again but you chatted every day.

Today was the day you were meeting again, since her schedule wouldn't let you meet up earlier.

Right now you were getting ready for your date.
You'd meet up with Rose in an hour in the little cafe and after that you want to go on a walk.
It was mid October, getting colder so you dressed up in dark blue pants, a yellow sweater and black boots.
On top of it you were your coat.

Looking in the mirror one last time, you pulled yourself together and went out of the door.

You just made it in time there, seeing Rose already sat inside.
"Oh hey there" she says, standing up and giving you a hug.
Her touch feels good and gives off a comforting feeling.
"Hi sorry I'm late" you mumble.
You both sit back down.
"Oh no problem. I didn't wait how have you been doing.....?"

Time skip

You've been chatting for over two hours now and didn't get boring at any second. You loved talking about your life, your hobbies and everything with her.
And you even more loved listening to her talking about her life and learning more about her.

"Oh my goodness it's already been two hours. We wanted to take a walk right?" You nod.

After paying the bill you put on your coats and walk outside.
You decided to go into a nearby park.
You were talking about travelling when suddenly you feel your hand touch hers. The blonde looked down as well as you do before she quickly looked away but you didn't miss the red colour on her cheeks.

You pull yourself together and after a moment you take her hand in yours. She bites her lip and smiles. "That's- your hand's really warm."  "Is it?" She nods and blushes as you both continue walking hand in hand.

"Here we are" you say as you both sit down on a bench in the middle of the park, your hands still intervined.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" She asks, looking at the park. The trees yellow, red and orange, the leaves falling down because of the strong wind blowing right now.
(Idk if that makes sense)

You feel Rose's hand shivering and look at her. Her lips are quivering and now goosebumps are on her hand.
"Oh my you're freezing." You pull her in by her waist, holding her close to your body, your warm body. You take both of her hands in one of yours while the other rubs her side and her back.
For a few minutes you stay like that. "Warmer now?" She nods.
You stop rubbing her side but your hand still stays on her waist and the other on her hand.
"I- I like your touch" she whispers and you feel yourself blush a bit.

"You're blushing" she giggles.
"Oh shut it you're doing it the whole time!" She blushes.
"See you're doing it again!" You laugh and she hides her face in your shoulder.
"It's getting dark, maybe we should go." "Yes, should I bring you home?" She asks while you two stand up. "Actually I wanted to ask that" you both giggle.

"Well you could come with me, I could show you my house.....of course you don't have to- I mean you can if you want but if you don't then not. I don't want to force you into anything I mean-" You hush her with a finger over her lips.
"Shh calm down there blondie. I would love to." She nods but then furrows her eyebrows.
"Blondie?" "Well I couldn't thought of another name at the moment."

You walk along the street.
"Well not unless you want me to call you Darling or perhaps baby...?" She blushes again.
(Woah Y/n slow down you horny bitch)

"That's my driver Oliver there." She points to a men standing in front of a black car.
"Hello Ms. Weil! To your house?" She nods as Oliver bows his head to say hello. "Hello Ms." "Hello"

You and Rose both get in, buckling up your seatbelts. Once done, Rose takes your hand again, making circles on the back of your hand with her fingers.

After 20 minutes you arrive at a beautiful big black house at the end of Paris.
"Oh it's amazing Rose."
"Thank you. Come on in" she pulls you by your hand towards the door.
"Come I'm gonna show you around" she starts walking.

After half an hour you've seen everything and you both were currently standing in her office.
Dresses, sketches and model puppets everywhere.
"Oh wow your drawings are amazing!" She giggles.
"Thank you. That's my favourite here" Rose walks over to a emerald green dress, an A-line, foot long and tight on the upper part.

"And for a reason

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"And for a reason. It's perfect, you've got so much talent Rose."
"Aww that's sweet of you to say. It means a lot to me."
She hugs you tight. "No problem" you whisper.
When you both pull away, you look into each other's eyes.
Rose starts to lean in and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
But they barely last there five seconds, still it felt like forever.
And neither did they move against each other.
They are just pressed against each other.
But that feeling was enough to make butterflies erupt in your stomach.
After those few seconds she quickly pulls away. "I'm sorry- am I moving to fast?" You shake your head. "It's alright- I liked it" she nods.

"Uh do you want to stay here over the night?"

"I'd love to" she smiles, takes your hand and brings you to her bedroom. "Here" she hands you a pyjama.
"Uh you can change here. I'll be in the bathroom getting ready." You nod and after she closed the door you start to change.

After ten minutes the blonde came out of the bathroom and you went inside.
She already had a toothbrush prepared for you. 
A few minutes later you step out of the bathroom, the designer already laying in bed.
She pats with her hand on the other side of the bed.

A little awkward you walk over and lay down beside her.
The blonde puts out the light and pulls the covers over her body.
"Y/n?" She whispers, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"Yes?" You ask turning to look at her, the moon shining inside a little, helping you to see her better.
"Will you- uhm...will you hold me?"
Aww how sweet this woman was, so shy and innocent but also so powerful at the same time.
You smile at her and move closer.

"I wouldn't want to do anything else."

With that you pull her in your arms, her head in the crock of your neck, her arms around your waist while yours run along her back over the satin of her pyjama, your legs tangled.
"Yes" she says out of context.
"Yes what?" She laughs.
"To your question on the paper.
'Y/n and Rose?'  I mean I don't know you for that long but I really like you and I'd like to try with you." She holds you closer.
"Well I like you too, very much. But we should sleep now hm?"

"Yes. Good night Y/n" she kisses your cheek.
"Good night Rose" you kiss her forehead and after a while you both drift off to sleep....

So I think that was the last part now, I hope you liked it.

For me school starts tomorrow again and I'm NOT  I repeat NOT mentally prepared.

Well let's hope the best roight?

So don't please wonder if there won't be as much or no updates at all the next weeks.

Have a good day/night

Love you<3

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