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It was a cloudy day. In the news they said that it should rain today.
But that couldn't turn your mood down.

It was your birthday today and you were looking forward to spend it with your amazing friends and your perfect girlfriend Rose.

You had everything planned. Since Rose was still working, you'd be the one preparing the Dinner and she'd come with your friends in the evening from work.

With some birthday presents in hand, which you got from your colleagues, you opened the door to your house. You put them on the shelf in the hallway and took off your coat and shoes.

Then you walked into the kitchen. You wanted to prepare the Dinner and them take a shower.

Your eyebrows furrowed when you saw a birthday cake on the kitchen counter. You thought that Rose may have put it there this morning and you just didn't see it.
But then two arms wrapped around your waist. "Happy Birthday Darling" she whispers into your ear. You gasp.
"I thought you were at work" you turn around and hug her. "Surprise!"(Loki hehe)
"Thank you my favourite" "I know"
You cup her face and kiss her deeply. "I love you honey" "I love you too"

"Come on I want some" you giggle and cut the cake. You put one piece on a plate with two forks. You take a bit and feed it to her and then one to yourself. "It's delicious, you can make it so good" you smile.
"I'm glad you like it."

When you were done with eating, you put the dishes away and started cooking for Dinner.
You were making it like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Different salads, bread, meat, everything.
You were cutting the peppers when you hear rain against the window. "Honey come with me" you pull Rose by the hand and run to the back.
"Darling what are you doing?" You opened the backdoor and shove her out.

"I wanna dance in the rain with you" you smile.
Taking both of her hands, you sway your hips and jump around. Rose doing the same. It wasn't cold, the temperature was really nice.

Your hair, your clothes, your face...everything was wet. Your make up was washed away.
But you both didn't care. You were just enjoying the moment with your favourite person.
Looking into Rose's eyes you saw the love she had for you. And she saw exactly the same in your eyes.
You wrap your arms around her waist, pull her to you and press your lips together in a passionate kiss.
"I love you" "I love you so much" you both mumble into the kiss and then hug each other after the kiss.
When you pull away you laugh.
"This is one of the things I always wanted to do...with my favourite person" you say.
"Me too" she giggles. "Happy Birthday."

You both flinched when you heard the loud thunder. "We should get back inside" you nod and walk in.
"You know what. We're just gonna dry ourselves off a bit and when we're done we will take a shower."
She nods and you start.

After one and a half hours you were done with everything.
"The others come in an hour. We're gonna take a shower now and then I'd like to give you your present." "Okay"

You walk upstairs and quickly get undressed and in the shower. Rose gets in behind you.
You let the warm water fall down your skin. Your let your hands roam her body and pull her into you. You place soft, gentle kisses on her neck. "Please baby we have time for that later."
"Will it be my present to fuck you?" She nods. "Can't wait." You grab the shampoo bottle and rub it in her hair. She does the same to you, then you rub the soap over your body.

After a while you got out of the shower again. You were putting on a jeans with a white blouse while Rose put on a flower blouse and a black skirt. "You look beautiful"
"You too" she hands you a box.
"That's your present" you take it, sit on the bed and start open it.

Inside was a bronze ring with a silver diamond in the middle of it.
"Oh Rosie that's beautiful"
"Look closer" you take a better look. On the inside of the ring was a grieving saying "Y~R"

"It's a promise ring for you." She takes your hands. "I promise you that I'll always stay with you. And that I will love you forever." You both had tears in your eyes.
"Oh honey thank you. I love you."
"I love you too. You can't even imagine how much." You wrap your arms around her and hug her so tight, you nearly choked her.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you"

"I'm glad that I picked the right present Darling." You give her a quick kiss.
"Come on they should be here soon."

You walk downstairs and not many minutes later your friends arrived. It was a great evening.
You sang, you danced, you laughed with all your loved ones.
It was one of the best birthdays you've ever had.

I wrote this in honour of myself haha

This one's a bit shorter but I thought it was cute. Especially the rain dancing.

Have a nice day/night

Love you

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