I just want someone to love me Part 3

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"See it's the most beautiful flower just like you"

Iracebeth and you were standing in your little garden and you were showing her the rose you've planted for her.

You see tears in her eyes when she turns around. "Thank you" she hugs you tight. "I love you so much" she whispers and you feel her tears on your neck.
You pull back at wipe away her tears.

"Don't cry please don't cry..." you give her a soft kiss. She nods and turns back to the rose.
You wrap your arms around her, your head rests on her shoulder.

You stay like that for a few minutes before Mirana comes in.
"Hi Y/n, hi Hacie she says as she walks around.
"Y/n it's so beautiful here..."

She sends you both a warm smile.

"Thank you"

You turn back and kiss Iracebeth on the cheek. "Hacie I'm glad you're feeling better now. So how was your day? What were you two doing?"

Iracebeth gulps while you only smirk a bit. Mirana still waiting.

"Oh uhm after I went to her we were walking a bit through the palace and then through the gardens and then came here."

Mirana nods but doesn't believe what you tell her.

She laughs a bit and you both look at her confused.

"You know it's a big palace but the walls aren't the thickest" she giggles, your eyes widen and Iracebeth blushes.

"Oh uhm so you...heard everything?" "Maybe, you forgot that my room is just down the hallway and if you moan that loud...of course I hear it then."

Iracebeth hides her blushing face in your neck. "Okay we'll try to be more quiet the next time"

She smiles before she heads out again. "Oh that was so embarrassing" she laughs. "Don't worry, she's fine with it and you also liked it so don't complain" you chuckle. "Should we go back and just go to bed?" she nods and you walk back

You lay in bed, cuddled up in each other. "I love you" she mumbles something back but you can't hear what exactly cause you fall asleep soon after.

In the middle of the night you hear a loud scream. You shot up immediately and look next to you where you see Iracebeth curled up, crying. "Hey honey I'm here!"

You take her shoulders and turn her around to face you. She breathes heavily as panic is all over your face. She sits up and looks into your eyes then breaks down in your arms.

You stroke her cheek with your one hand while the other rubs up and down her arm. Mirana storms in. "What's wrong." She rushes over. "Hacie what's wrong?"

She turns to her sister before she falls into her arms. "Hacie I know, I know but it'll get better okay? We're helping you, we love you okay?"

You look confused but Mirana gives you a 'I tell you later' look.
"I wait outside for you" she whispers before heading outside.

After some moments she calms down in your arms again. "Okay honey you lay down again. I'll be out for a moment but I immediately come back to you okay?" she nods as she pulls the covers over her body again and lays down while you walk out.

"So what was that?" Mirana sighs.

"She always has the same nightmare. She was all alone in her teenage years she didn't have anyone, Stayne used her only and she is still scared that I or you would leave her. She has a trauma, the trauma of being alone and never getting loved. Some other kids always made fun off her in our childhood, they bullied her. She's scared of never getting accepted. The people feared her but they won't see that she's better now..."

You're crying by now about what she's gone through. You knew that Stayne used her and that she was alone most of the time but never about the trauma and the bullying back then.

"I- i didn't know i...I'm gonna talk to her." You rush back in and crawl under the covers. She turns around and looks at you through her red, puffy eyes. You open your arms and she hugs you tight.

"She told me everything about the trauma and the bullying" More tears escape your eyes. "But we'll get this okay? I'm here for you. I could never leave you I'd rather die...."

She sobs. "People always feared me, that's why even the children bullied me when I was younger. They all liked Mirana and never me but I'm not mad at Mirana cause she always helped me...and you too...."

You kiss her forehead.  "And I'll always be I promise you I'm never leaving you okay?"

She looks up

"Really? I can't lose you" she cries.

"You won't. I love you and I'll stay with you always and forever"

You pull her closer before she says something again barely louder than a whisper. "Thanks. I love you"

"I love you too." You kiss her. "get some sleep now. I'll be with you all the time...." With that she falls asleep again

And you never broke your promise. You stayed with her

Always and forever

Okay wrote this is about 45 minutes so it's not the best. it

was the last part of this story.
hope you liked it anyway


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