Midnight Cravings

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Got this idea random at 2 in the night and thought "why not write it?"

Hope you like it?






Along with her loud but still soft voice, the hard taps on your shoulder and back wake you up.It was in the middle of the night but of course there would be a certain someone awake. Your girlfriend Marla.

"What is it?" You mumble into the pillow. "Y/n I'm hungry!" She whines and you sit up, still half alseep. "Well the fridge is 20 meters away from you, why don't you just go downstairs and take something instead of waking me in the middle of the night? There's plenty of food in the fridge."

She crosses her arms. "But no pistachio ice creeeheeammm" You sigh. "What time even is it?"

"Uh quarter past one...?" "Uh you sirious?" You shake your head. "Forget it. I wanna sleep."
You want to lay down back again when Marla suddenly holds you back.

"Baby do you love me?" She asks a little concerned. "Wha- of course I do bubs."
"Am I the only one you love?" You shake your head. "No, you and our little bean" you rub her baby bump.
"We're your family right?" You nod. "And some would do anything for their family AND WE WANT ICE CREAM RIGHT NOW OR ELSE WE WILL DIE!" She yells into your face.
"Woah calm down princess...." you stand up and put on a hoodie and some sweatpants.

"You know..sometimes I just can't deal with your moodswings" you mumble. "I'm sorry" she whispers, tears now in her eyes. "That's what I mean" you roll your eyes and sit down next to her, taking her in your arms. "I can't do anythin about it"
"I know princess...but it can get annoying. Actually most of the time it's rather funny and entertaining" you laugh. "Y/N Y/L/N STOP LAUGHING ABOUT MY MOODSWINGS AND BETTER BRING ME MY ICE CREAM! She exclaims but you only giggle.

You give her a quick kiss before leaving your house and driving off to get the ice cream for the pregnant dragon.

Time skip

It's been an hour since you left the house but after all you made it home now with the ice cream and also sour cream chips and chocolate since you knew your dear girlfriend would need a little more. You basically live in the middle of nowhere so you need a little to actually find a gas station or a super market. And then one that has pistachio ice cream...yeah that took you a little.
When you walked into the house you saw that there was light coming out of the kitchen. You took off your shoes, turned around the corner and saw Marla sitting there on the kitchen counter with a pizza in front of her. She looks up a little confused and with wide eyes. "Oh hi"

You hold up the ice cream. "Oh right. yeah put it in the freezer, I want to eat my pizza first." You do as she says and when you turn back around you see something glistening on the pizza. "What did you put on the pizza?"

"Hu? Oh uh that's honey." You fake gog. "Honey? Seriously?" She nods. "It's really good. Do you want?" You shake your head and she shrugs her shoulders.
"More for me I guess."

"Uh I brought you chips and chocolate as well" she hugs you. "Aww thank you, you're simply the best" You lay your hands on her belly. "Anything for you two. Now if you excuse me...I would like to go back to sleep."
"Ah uhm yes. I will just come when I'm done here." She grins. God she is so cute.
You kiss her forehead before going back into your bedroom and into your bed.
After 10 minutes, in which you didn't manage to fall asleep because Marly was humming and singing downstairs, she comes back up. Of course you could have told her that she should stop but you know better than that...Marla would start crying again and that was the last thing you needed right now.

"You're still awake?" Your girlfriend asks while laying next to you. "Yep because a certain someone wouldn't stop singing" she laughs at your mad face. "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for net letting you sleep but at least you can cuddle me now hm?" You nod. "Yes an-"

"AH!" Marly holds her stomach and sits up as well as you do a second after.

"Wha- are you alright? What's with the baby?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"They're- they're kicking" tears shoot in her eyes. "Here" Marla quickly brings your hand to side left side of her belly. "Feel it?..... There again" You smile.
"Oh my love. It's the first time they're kicking, isn't it?" "Yes, YES!" She screams out of happiness and you sit behind her so that you can hug her while holding her belly.

"I'm so happy" you whisper. "I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend Marla. And I'm so proud of you for all the things, for going through all of this." She grabs your face with one hand brings it closer to hers until your lips touch. "I love you, so so much"
"I love you too"

The both of you stay in this position for a little while longer, telling each other sweet words and everything before you both get extremly tired and decide that it would be the best to sleep now.

You spoon Marla from behind, pressing soft kisses to her shoulder and rubbing her belly before you both drift off to sleep after some minutes....

Well I think I've written worse chapters🤷‍♀️

Have a good day/night

Love you<3

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